C22: History repeats again pt.3

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"Chase has been knocked out!" Timur said through the walkie-talkie, still keeping his cover.

"This wasn't their plan! What happened?" Lucy asked. "This slightly complicates things."

"Wait! We should be able to track Chase to where they took him." Codi suddenly said. "Give me a min-" 

"Already done, they are driving through Adventure Bay now, probably heading back to the jungle," Timur said. "Even though they only have Skye and Chase doesn't mean they are gone, Sweetie could still be in danger."

"I'm gonna try to go to her, give her a little surprise," Lucy said.

Lucy walked out from her hiding spot, which was just a dense bush, and made her way toward Sweetie and the pups. Although she wasn't anywhere near them, Sweetie already turned around, her tail wagging.

"Hiii." She said as Lucy kneeled down to her.

"Hey, Sweetie," Lucy said, but then saw Sweetie's body. "I'll let you live here for some time and you got this fat?" 

"No, it's the other thing; I'm pregnant," Sweetie said. "With who is I think obvious."

"Wow, so I'll let you go here to befriend Chase again, and after a few days you are pregnant with him." Lucy chuckled. "But I'm happy for you."


A giant smoke cloud appeared in the sky, and everyone looked toward it.

"Guess who else is with them." Lucy quietly heard through the walkie-talkie. She stepped back to talk.

"That motherfuckers threw a hydrogen bomb on me." "I told you the trucker seems suspicious," Humdinger responded.

"Yeah, but now we have a problem." Timur started. "They could be more with them. Liberty, for example."

"Did anyone know Sweetie was pregnant?" "Yeah, I did. Chase told me." She got in response. 

"What was that?" Lucy heard from the group of pups.

"Something exploded. Based on the cloud either a hydrogen bomb or a truck filled with oil." Sweetie said, and looked around. "Chase?"

The terrier started looking around where Chase was. Lucy didn't have the heart to tell her he was pupnapped, and on his way to somewhere.

"And where is Skye?" Rubble, as if trying to be innocent, asked. Lucy wanted to say something, but Sweetie stepped back from them and looked Rubble in the eyes.

"Where have you taken her?" Sweetie asked, walking closer to him.

"M-Me??? You are crazy!" "I am crazy, that's a well-known fact, but I am damn right that you took her, and probably Chase too, so tell me..." She screamed as a laser gun came out of her collar, pointing straight at Rubble. 

"Where. Is. Skye and Chase?"

Rubble stepped back, scared of her, obviously. Sweetie didn't pull back, she continued reducing the distance between them.

"3." She started counting down.

"You are completely crazy! Lucy, calm that fucker down!" Rubble said, still backing off. Lucy just waited for what is about to happen.

"2," Sweetie said, as they were already on the edge of the cliff, from where she saw a boat coming.

So Arrby is with them too. Sweetie thought. That doesn't seem like him, maybe just Sid is with them.

And even though Sweetie stopped doing anything to not let Rubble jump down, he jumped down on his own.

"Fucking piece of shit." She said, looking over the cliff, where in the boat stood Rubble, Sid, and Claw.

And Claw. Sweetie walked back to the lookout, not making any eye contact with them.

"So, I should tell you what's happening. I thought Chase would explain it, but he's gone:
- Chase and Skye are being transported somewhere
- There was a planned assault on me, Everest, and Marshall
- Now, Rubble is off with Sid and Claw, so Rex, Ryder, Sid, Claw, Tracker, Rubble, and Al are teamed against us." Sweetie finished, already having scared everyone.

"How di-" "It doesn't need much thinking, I also know about Humdinger and Codi, so yeah." Sweetie interrupted Lucy and walked inside the lookout.

"We need to be prepared, and we are going to kill them."

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