TWO. dateocalypse 

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WHEN ALEXA said she hadn't been on a date since she'd broken up with Freddie (or when he broke up with her

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WHEN ALEXA said she hadn't been on a date since she'd broken up with Freddie (or when he broke up with her. It doesn't matter does it?) she was being honest.

The fact that he had been married twice was insane in Alexa's eyes. She didn't think that she loved someone so much that she plan an entire wedding for her and her partner. The idea almost made her shudder.

As for Freddie, he hasn't been on a date since his second divorce and it seemed to be whenever a woman would come into his life he would scare them off.

And Spencer decided that it was time for Freddie to get out the house and get into that dating scene.

"Who do I know that loves a short king?" Spencer thought aloud, "Alexa. She's beautiful. She's smart, a billionaire."

"I know, Spencer." Freddie chuckled, "I just don't think that... we're meant to be together anymore."

"Bullshit." Spencer said, "Why'd you two break up anyway?"

Freddie scoffed, picking up the glasses around the table, "It was mutual, Spencer. We wanted different things."

"Look," Spencer spat, "I don't believe in faith or fairies. I believe in goat milk and second chances. Come on, man."

Freddie only held a smile and continue cleaning off the table.

"Okay, how about this?" Spencer began, "I'll set you up with someone who isn't Alexa. By the time that date is over you'll know what you want."

Freddie rolled his eyes, but agreed to go out with the girl that Spencer had set him up with.

And that girl just so happened to be "a science worker". Literally her words.

Regardless, in Freddie's eyes, that date went pretty well and Alexa was there to witness it all.

She held her coffee cup to her lips and sent Freddie a finger wave once he had caught sight of her.

He smiled and sat in the chair in front of her.

"Seems like your date when well." Alexa said.

"Best date of my life." He smiled.

Alexa nodded, holding a small smile, "That's a lot coming from you considering that you've been married twice."

"I mean, no offense Alexa, but do think that this has changed my dating life."

"One blind date changed your dating life?" Alexa asked, "That's very sad."

"Come on." Freddie smiled, "You should try it. It's fun."

"Let's see how this goes before we call it fun."

OUT OF the kind curiosity of her heart, Alexa agreed to watch Millicent while everyone was out and about. She wasn't too bad, you know? Just as evil and scheming as Alexa once was.

Spencer soon entered Alexa's apartment asking if either of them had seen Freddie.

"No." Alexa answered, "Heard he was with his lady friend Ramona."

"Oh, that'll cost me." Spencer sighed.

Alexa's apartment door opened once more and Freddie came inside.

"Oh, hey, man, listen," Spencer smiled, "we have to talk."

"Can it wait?" He asked, "I'm a bit bummed. I just ended thing with Ramona."

"Oh, thank God." Spencer cheered, "That you had the courage to let her down gently."

"I'm sorry Millicent, but I just dumped your future stepmother."

Millicent and Alexa shared a look.

"Does that not bother you?"

"You date a man long enough you find different things to be bothered and disappointed about." Alexa answered, "Your dad is no exception to that."

Freddie rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch, "It was great getting to know her, but I don't know. There's just no spark."

Spencer scoffed, "No spark?" Was expected a damn rocket launched to Mars after all that... romance and listening."

"Look. don't get me wrong. I love a woman with a career but she kept leaving out dates so abruptly for "nuclear physicist emergencies." And always right on the hour. But hey, even though it didn't work out with Ramona, the ready is still in Freddie."

"That's going to turn off so many women." Alexa said.

So, for now, the idea of dating was on Freddie Benson's radar and it might go off pretty soon.

So, for now, the idea of dating was on Freddie Benson's radar and it might go off pretty soon

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— lucy has something to say !!

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— lucy has something to say !!

LISTEN !!! LISTEN PLEASE !!! if this story does get taken down it was on my accord! i'm saying this because i don't know how easy or hard it will be to write for this show! writing for the original icarly was hard enough!

now !!!! this is older icarly !!!! sex will be mentioned !!!! the possible sex will happen !!!! WHO KNOWS

now !!!! this is older icarly !!!! sex will be mentioned !!!! the possible sex will happen !!!! WHO KNOWS

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bye :))))

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