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Smut because I was in a silly goofy mood🤭
H/c mean hair color just an fyi

The day was nice,warm,the beginning of summer so flowers were sprouting grass was greening and leaves were blooming on trees that weren't cut down or destroyed. Y/n sat at her desk in her cozy home in Jackson while her girlfriend took a nap on their shared bed for a few feet away. Reading the clock y/n sees that it's 2:30pm so that means she's been sitting at this desk drawing for and hour and all she has down are three sketches,all being of her girlfriend.
Standing up and walking over the small kitchen she looks out the window and looks out to see what's happening outside, when an arm snakes it's way around her waist startling her a bit to where she flinched at the contact "hey there" Ellie says while putting another arm around the girls waist "hey" y/n says turning her head to the side to see the red head, "What'cha doin' " "looking outside seein' what's going on" "that's nice" Ellie says lowly traveling kisses down the
h/c girls neck. Giggling slightly y/n pulls away so she can face the red headed girl with her arms around Ellie's neck and Ellie's arms around her waist she puts her head in the crook of the red heads neck.
"I didn't hear you get up" "cause I'm stealthy like that" "I suppose" laughing a bit Ellie makes her face noticeable in the eyes of y/n "I had a dream about you" El says "oh did you, what was it about?" "Nothing important" she says in a teasing manner letting go and waking away towards the desk they share, "nooo you have to tell me now dear" y/n says waking over to the desk Ellie's sitting at now "are these drawings all of me?" "Maybe but that's not the point" the h/c girls says picking up the black notebook and closing it "hey no fair I was see them up close" "sucks to suck now tell me about this dream"
"I can't" Ellie says dragging out the A in 'cant'.
"Oh but you can,and you will" she says sitting in the girls lap now, facing her straddling the red heads waist and hands on her shoulders "nope, but I can show you" she says starting to stand up while holding onto y/n's legs to carry her to their bed, "ooh I see" she says smiling at the red head as she's laid down on her back onto the mattress
Not two minutes later both girls are undressed and on top of eachother,Ellie's fingers diving in and out of the h/c girl rapidly "fuck Ellie!" Y/n screamed at the top of her lungs.

Y/n's POV

"Fuck Ellie!" I yell loudly as she rams her fingers into me "let me hear you darling" she says going faster than her pace before, "ugh fucking Christ Ellie" "let go" she said into my ear,I felt my climax barrel down my spine as I arched my back,pulsing around Ellie's middle and ring finger.
She pulls her fingers kissing slowly up my body until she gets to my neck, lifting her head to look at me in the eyes and just stared at me trying to catch my breath "Jesus fucking Christ" "nope just me" she says smiling and I flip our positions to where I'm straddling her waist, pulling her in for a deep passionate kiss. Making my down her body I reach her chest slowly licking over the sensitive area,down her stomach and to her inner thigh kissing the area. Look at the area in front of me I immediately dove in,my tongue licking the area ever so slowly. Gripping the be sheets Ellie looks down making eye contact while I grab her thighs putting her legs over my shoulders. Slicking and sucking on the area while my tongue goes in and out, El reaches her climax "holy shit" was all she could get out while panting, humming a response I take her legs off my shoulders standing up and grabbing a wet wash rag. Wiping up sweat and spit off eachother we finally got into comfortable clothes laying down in bed "I fucking love you ya' know" Ellie says "yeah I love you too dork" I say inches from her face before bringing our lips together for a loving kiss.

Jesus fuck that was longer than I expected

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