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Basically you leave because of a fight u and Ellie had, and she worries

Y/n's pov

"I'm leaving" I tell Dina, "bullshit" she says standing up from the couch "sit the hell down and let me explain" I say with my head in my hands, my voice directed at the ground "me and Ellie had a big fight, one that I feel like we can't come back from, and I feel like she doesn't want me here. So I'm going Dina and you can't stop me" I say looking up at her and dragging my hands down my face "y/n i can't just let you leave on a whim-" "but you can, and you will, I've decided Dina that I cannot stay here anymore" I cut her off, it's true I can't stay here and act like Ellie doesn't exist, it's four years thrown away for us.
Time skip bc ya girl lazy 💪

I had all of my shit packed, one backpack was all I needed but it barely zipped. It's around midnight and I'm saddling up my horse, when I hear footsteps, and it's Dina, "I love you, and I'm gonna miss every second of you not being here" she says teary eyed. "I know Dina, I love you too" I'm leaving my best friend of eight years, I feel horrible. I hop on Forrest and Dina opens the gates for me, I blow her a kiss and she catches it it's something we've been doing since we became close.

Ellie's pov

I wake up to my alarm blaring into my ears "fuck off" I mumble and reach over to turn it off, when I turn back over to meet my lovely girlfriend I remember the fight we had, it's was about us moving out of Jackson in the future, I wanted to and she didn't, she said she couldn't leave her best friend. I lay on my back facing the ceiling thinking about what I could have said, what I should have said. I miss her, I Need her.
I get up from my bed and sit there for a moment, I've been a wreck without her for the past week, two weeks? Three? I don't remember, I've lost all track of time and what day it is. I get up and walk over to the kitchen and look outside the window, 9:00am, damn that too late for me. She's staying at Dina's house right now and I need to apologize, I escalated the situation when I really didn't need to, I throw on some jeans and a sweatshirt as start walking to Dina's house, it's now noon so I'm sure she's awake, she better be at least. I get to the front door and raise my hand to knock, I hesitate, what is she doesn't accept my apology?, what if she just wants to move out all together and live with Dina? I knock twice and wait for someone to open the door, it slowly freaks open to a teary eyes Dina, "what" she says annoyed "can i talk to y/n" I say with my finger fidgeting in my sweatshirt pocket "no one's told you?" She says wiping her nose a little as she sniffles, she steps outside onto the porch  "tell me what" my heart drops to my ass " she left last night Ellie, she felt like you didn't want her here anymore" what. The. Fuck. "What?!" I say "yeah, I'm suprised no one told you sooner" she says shrugging "do you k ow where she went? Did she have everything she needed? Was she in the right mind to leave without anyone? Did she-" "Ellie" Dina cuts me off "that woman is built like a brick fucking wall, she has a heart mind and soul stronger than the concrete walls that surround us, she'll be ok" she puts a hand on my shoulder "she can most definitely hold her own, youve seen what she can do out there-" "yeah and I've seen what she can't" I say feeling tears prick in my eyes, she left because of me. "I'm going to find her" I say to Dina, she knew it was coming, so she shrugged and wished me luck

Y/n's pov

It's been hours, maybe a day since I've been gone and to be honest I've made it no where, maybe 70-80 miles from Jackson, I'm resting in a tree my horse is tied up to. God what am I doing. I've left everyone i love, I left Dina, I left Ellie.
No this isn't my fault she was in the wrong, she needs to learn she ain't always the fucking victim. Maybe I'll go back, maybe I'll never see any of them again I don't know as this point.

I wake up around two hours later, great two hours of sleep and an all nighter, fucking love my life. I sit up and make sure everything I have is where I last put it, and it is thank god. I hop down from the tree and throw my backpack over my shoulders, stepping up onto forest and clicking my tongue.

Ellie's POV:

I can't believe she left, holy shit it's all my fault, if I would've just listened to her or done literally anything else maybe she would've still been there. As I'm walking back to my house I bump into someone, Jesse. "Jesse do you know where y/n went, like at all" I say panicking not even things to apologize first "she just said that she was leaving, she didn't say any specifics" fuck. I run my hand down my face and groan, mumbling a thanks and walking off in the direction of the house, our house? My house? Oh no I can't live without her.
I walking into the door as fast as I can and start packing, there is no way I'm letting her go out on her own like this. I pack my saddle bags as well as a back pack, and throw on some jeans and a tank top, and walk out of the door slamming it behind me, it's well over one o'clock now and the sun is beating down on my as I walk to the stables, did she pack enough water?, or food? Did she pack anything at all? What was she wearing? All of these questions race around in my head over and over and I think of the worst until I get to the stables.I saddle up as fast as I can and click my tongue, I get out of Jackson and immediately start towards the forest, the one we had our first kiss in, the one we used to walk in after hours. God I miss her.
Anxiety bubbled in my stomach after I don't find her, I've been searching for hours, shooting clicker after clicker, holy shit what if she couldn't defend herself?- my thoughts are cut off by a branch snapping beside me, my head whirls around and I examine the area to find nothing, "what the fuckkk" I whine under my breath until I hear it again, except I see her, my y/n, she's starting a fire. I immediately jump off my horse and run towards her "y/n" I say almost crying once I get close enough, I don't wanna yell, I don't wanna scare her.


I ended up a while out of Jackson, and it's getting late so I tie up Forrest and start gathering sticks and whatever I can to start a fire, I eventually get one going and sit by it, even tho it was spring it starts getting a little chilly at dusk. I run my hands together and put them near the fire trying to stay warm, and it definitely worked. I sat down and started thinking, maybe I should go back, maybe I was being dramatic. When all of a sudden I hear my name being said from far away, my head snaps behind me and it Ellie, her horse not far behind her "Ellie I-" I start to speak before I'm cut off by her hugging me, as tight as she can it seems. She buries her face in my back with her arms wrapped tightly around my torso "I'm so sorry" I she whimpers out.

MUAHAHAH CLIFF HANGER🤭 anyways sorry y/n's parts are so short I didn't really know what to write, love u pookies💋💋

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