²⁰ 𝒸𝓇𝑜𝓌𝓃𝑒𝒹 𝓋𝒾𝒸𝓉𝑜𝓇

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Midst the crumbling remnants of the city, Rosemary found herself face to face with Collumbae. His voice boomed through the decaying buildings, filling the eerie silence that had settled over the once-bustling streets.

"Isn't it Rosemary Acker I see before my eyes?" Collumbae bellowed, his excitement evident. His question hung in the air, though Rosemary couldn't help but find it utterly senseless. It wasn't really a question; he knew it was her, and there was an odd sense of satisfaction in his tone.

She remained silent, partly considering his inquiry foolish and partly because the gravity of their situation had rendered words nearly obsolete. Collumbae's imposing figure had grown even more imposing during their time in the games. He was now a towering, intimidating presence that seemed to fill the space around him.

As he closed the distance between them, Rosemary's eyes remained fixed on him, curiosity mixed with apprehension. She noticed that he wasn't carrying any weapons, which piqued her interest. However, she also knew that if she made a move now, it might be her last. If she were to attack, she'd have to disable his powerful arms and hands first.

But Rosemary hesitated. Collumbae was from her home district, the same one that she had come to the Capitol with. Her actions now could determine whether he returned home victorious or in a casket. The weight of that responsibility sent shivers down her spine, coursing through her limbs and settling in her heart, which ached in a way she had never felt before. It had come down to a stark choice: kill or be killed. And Rosemary had a plan.

Collumbae drew closer with long, confident strides, each step echoing in her mind as a countdown to their impending confrontation. The fight would commence soon, and there could only be one victor.

Despite her fear of Collumbae emerging as the last one standing, Rosemary also feared being the one to survive. She was aware of the expectations from her home district. Collumbae could bring them pride and honor, while her mere existence seemed to be a stain on District Five. No one had explicitly stated it, but she had a gut feeling that they considered her a burden.

Rosemary clung to her simple plan as Collumbae loomed over her, casting a long shadow that made her heart race. She knew that if she acted rashly now, her life would be cut short in an instant.

"I'm starting to think someone cut your tongue out, have they, Mary?" Collumbae's voice was taunting as he crouched down, locking eyes with her. His gaze was intense, darker than she had ever seen it before. His cruel words were like barbs aimed at her, and she couldn't help but cringe at the insult.

"Not that I care, killing you won't be as challenging if you don't speak, and your voice was kind of annoying if I'm to be honest," he added, rising to his full height once more. His smirk revealed a sadistic pleasure in tormenting her.

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