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"Hay Haymitch,

Summer has arrived, but the warmth and sunshine can't quite reach the depths of my heavy heart. The approaching 56th Hunger Games casts a shadow over these days that should be filled with joy and freedom. I have made the difficult decision not to attend the Games or take on a mentoring role this year. It means I won't be seeing anyone, won't be able to provide guidance or support, and won't be able to witness the bittersweet victories and heart-wrenching losses firsthand.

The weight of that choice is heavy, and the absence of familiar faces and the camaraderie we shared during those trying times weighs on my spirit. It's a somber reminder of the world we live in, where children are pitted against each other, their lives forever altered or tragically cut short. The memory of my own time in the arena still lingers, haunting me with every passing day.

As the district prepares for the upcoming Games, there's an air of tension and sorrow. Families are anxiously bidding farewell to their loved ones, holding onto hope while steeling themselves for the possibility of unimaginable loss. It's a reminder of the cruel reality we face, where sacrifices are demanded from those who never asked for such a fate.

I can't help but think of you, Haymitch, and the countless tributes you've mentored and lost throughout the years. Your strength in the face of such darkness is awe-inspiring, and I wish I could be there to offer you solace and support during these trying times. But know that my thoughts are with you, and my heart aches alongside yours.

I hope that in the midst of this looming darkness, you can find moments of respite, moments where the sun still manages to shine through the clouds. Hold onto those glimmers of light, Haymitch. They are beacons of hope in an otherwise bleak world.

Take care of yourself, my friend, as the days grow longer and the weight of the approaching Games becomes heavier. Lean on the memories of our shared struggles, the victories we fought for, and the bonds we formed. And remember, even though I won't be there physically, my support and friendship are with you, always.

With a heavy heart,

"Hay Haymitch,

You know, I've been thinking a lot lately about these letters I've been sending you. I can't help but wonder if you even read them or if you just chuck them in the bin without a second thought. Sometimes I feel like a complete idiot, pouring my heart out onto these pages when you might not give a damn about what I have to say.

I mean, seriously, Haymitch, am I just wasting my time? Do you think I'm some naive girl who can't accept reality? It's hard not to let those thoughts creep in and make me question everything. Maybe you're sick of hearing from me, thinking I'm some kind of nuisance or that my words don't mean a thing.

But here's the thing, even with all that doubt swirling in my head, I can't bring myself to stop writing. These letters have become my lifeline, a way for me to connect with someone who understands what we've been through. I share my triumphs and my struggles, my fears and my hopes, because somehow, deep down, I believe that you might actually care.

I don't know where these letters end up, Haymitch. Maybe they're buried under a mountain of papers on your desk, or maybe they've been tossed aside and forgotten. But I can't help but hold onto the hope that one day, you'll stumble upon them and realize how much they mean to me. That you'll see the sincerity in my words and understand that I'm just trying to reach out to someone who gets it.

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