⁴³ 𝒽𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓃

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"Haymitch, why don't you sleep in my room tonight," Rosemary whispered to him. Haymitch met her gaze, and for a moment, he hesitated. The offer was a testament to the deepening connection between them, and he found himself unable to resist the comfort it promised.

He nodded, his voice equally soft as hers. "Of course." With a shared understanding, they stood up together and made their way to her bedroom. Inside, the soft glow of a single lamp cast a warm, inviting light. He couldn't push the thought away that he had slept in the bed that was in front of him, before. He would lie if he said he didn't want to sleep in it again. Looking to his left, Rosemary walked over to one of the two dressers, opening it and pulling out a blue shirt. Before he had the chance to react, she turned around and threw it at him, laughing when it hit his face.

"I think that'll fit you," her melodic laughter echoing inside the room, making the atmosphere calm. Haymitch removed the fabric from his face, a playful glint in his eyes when he held it up in front of him. "Well, I'll give it a try," he said, his voice filled with amusement. The shirt was big, very big, and he couldn't help but wonder why she would have that laying around in her wardrobe. As he began to unbutton his shirt to change into the one she had given him, Rosemary moved to the corner of the room. She turned her back to him to give them both privacy, trusting him completely. But as Haymitch removed his shirt and started putting on the other one, he suddenly stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened, and he couldn't help but stare at Rosemary's reflection in the mirror. She was standing there, her back to him, her bare skin bathed in the soft, gentle light of the room. The shirt slipped from his fingers, forgotten, as he was captivated by the sight before him. Rosemary's silhouette was graceful and alluring, her naked back a canvas of beauty and vulnerability. It was a moment of raw, unspoken desire, and he couldn't tear his gaze away.

Rosemary, unaware of his sudden pause, continued to rummage through her closet, only dressed in her panties, searching for something. She had no idea that her unexpected display had left Haymitch momentarily breathless. Finally finding what she was looking for, she turned back towards him, covering her breast with the fabric, a questioning look in her eyes. It was only then that she noticed the shirt he had dropped, his bare upper body, and the surprise on his face.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity, unaware of the effect her bare back had on him. Or to be honest, she knew what she had done, but figured that he would take it as a man.

Haymitch blinked, snapping out of his momentary daze, and quickly picked up the shirt he had dropped. He cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure, and managed to offer a sheepish smile.

"Nothing's wrong," he replied, his voice slightly unsteady. "Just got a bit distracted, that's all."

Rosemary arched an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes as she approached him, her hand still holding the fabric tight over her chest. "Distracted, huh?" She grinned. "By what, exactly?"

Haymitch couldn't help but chuckle at her teasing. "You, obviously," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of desire and amusement. "You have a way of taking my breath away, Rose."

Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue at his compliment, and she reached out to take the shirt from him. "Well, it's your turn to take my breath away," she said, her voice low. Haymitch grinned, he knew this was the moment they had both been waiting for, a moment when their desires could no longer be contained. As he moved closer to her, he tried to keep his thoughts focused, to savor each moment, but he couldn't help but feel the blood rush from his head down as he grabbed Rose's body and pressed it onto him.

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