³⁰ 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝓊𝒶𝓁 𝒹𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓁𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝐼𝐼

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"Hay Haymitch,

Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that winter is fast approaching here in the District 5. The air is getting colder, and there's a crispness in the atmosphere that signals the change of seasons. It's a reminder that time keeps moving, whether we're ready for it or not.

Winter has always been a tough time for our district. The scarcity of resources and the biting cold make survival even more challenging. But you know what? We've faced worse together, and I believe we'll get through this too. We've got the strength and resilience to weather any storm that comes our way.

Porter found out I sent you a letter.. and well, she says hello. You don't have to respond back to her, she said she knows you well enough. Whatever that means?

I hope you're staying warm and taking care of yourself. And if you ever need someone to share a drink or a good laugh with, you know where to find me. We may be miles apart, but you know, I don't hate you as much as I did before, but you're the only one that should know that..

Take care, Haymitch.

Warm regards, Rosemary Acker."


Was it a coincidence, how the seasons seemed to bring happiness to the people living in District 5? The white layer of powdered snow decorated the ground, the roofs and the leaves that had fallen during the autumn. However, as much as Rosemary wanted time to stop for a while, it wouldn't. The snow was a reminder of how time passed and that the six months of a somewhat peaceful era came to an end. 

The Victory Tour was coming up. She dreaded the facts that in less that a week, she would be facing the families of whom she had killed in the arena. Her years Hunger Games would be displayed yet again all across Panem.

However, not everything felt bad. The faces that only now existed in the memories of her mind, would be shown too. Maybe Rose would be able to remember them better? - Lizzie and Elvira. 

She missed them more than she could tell anyone. Cursing when her brain allowed to show her the devastating memories instead of the good ones. How could she had been so stupid? Why didn't she save them, instead of herself? 


"Hay Haymitch,

I hope this letter finds you well. It's been around two days since I last wrote, but I wanted to update you on what's been happening here in District 5. 

You see, the Victory Tour is fast approaching. The reminder of my survival in the 55th Hunger Games lingers with every passing day. The streets are abuzz with preparations, and the excitement mixed with nervousness is palpable. The Capitol's gaze is fixated on me once again, and my lives is about to be thrust into the spotlight. I hate it.

As the days draw closer to the Victory Tour, memories resurface, both bitter and sweet. I can't help but remember the Elvira and Lizzie, and the hope we found in each other. But now, the realization sets in that I won't be attending the tour or standing by their side as a friend. The thought of being separated from the only ones who truly understand what we've been through is both heartbreaking and terrifying.

There are times, Haymitch, when I question the purpose of it all. Is the Victory Tour just another spectacle for the Capitol's entertainment, a cruel reminder of what we endured? Are we mere pawns in their game, forced to relive our nightmares for their amusement? These questions haunt my thoughts, and I find myself yearning for a sense of purpose, for something greater than my past.

Yet, despite the uncertainties and the weight of our shared experiences, I remain hopeful. Hopeful that our voices will be heard, that our stories will inspire change, no matter how small. Maybe someday, there will be someone who can stop it all? As the countdown to the tour continues, I am reminded of the resilience that lies within me, the fire that burns despite the darkness.

Please take care of yourself and please, please respond this time. I need you, Hay.

- Rosemary."

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