- 1942 -

667 11 2

Steve sat in the waiting room of the enrolment office.

"Boy, a lot of guys getting killed over there." Steve sighed, speaking to the man next to him as he read the newspaper infront of him, big enough to cover up his entire body

"Rogers, Steven!" The man at the desk called. Steve jumped out of his seat, folding the newspaper in his hands.

"It kind of makes you think twice about enlisting, huh?" The man Steve was previously sitting next to mentioned as he took in how scrawny Steve was.

"Nope." Steve said solidly as he walked to the counter, not liking back to the man.

"Rogers," The man mumbled as he read through Steve's information before liking up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What did your father die of?" The enlistment officer asked.

"Mustard Gas, he was in the hundred and seventh infantry," Steve added on. "I was hoping I could be assigned-"

"Your mother?" The man cut Steve off.

"She was a nurse in a TB ward." Steve answered the question. "Got hit, couldn't shake it."

The list of Steve's illnesses continued as the man read through them.

"Sorry, son." The man said looking back to Steve, not that apologetic at all.

"Look, just give me a chance," Steve begged.

"You'd be ineligible on asthma alone." The guy explained.

"Is there anything you can do?" Steve asked, hoping this was going to be the time he would get in.

"I'm doing it. I'm saving your life." The officer said bluntly, stamping Steve's paper with an 4F.

·•Time Skip BC Movies•·

"War continues to ravage Europe." The announcer says as the video plays in black and white, glitching out as the soldiers are seen loading weapons.

"But help is on the way!" The announcer cheers as men walk through a lonely town street.

"Every able-bodied young man is lining up to serve his country." A doctor stepped a long, pressing a stethoscope to each man's chest a long the line.

Steve sits watching the projection in a theatre.

"Even little Timmy is doing his part..." A young boy picks up metal, moving it into a pile.

(A/N: I love that Timmy is allowed in the army and Steve isn't 😄)

"...collecting scrap metal." More men stack higher piles of metal, throwing and passing them up to the top.

"Nice work Timmy!" The announcer exclaims.

"Who cares!?" A man in the crowd watching yelled as people began to stare at him.

(A/N: I feel so bad for the girl in the red dress when he says this, like you can tell she's been through some shit.)

"Play the movie already!" The guy complained as a tank drove across the screen.

"Hey, you wanna show some respect?" Steve asked calmly, just trying to silence the guy.

"Meanwhile, overseas, our brave boys are showing the Axis powers that the price of freedom is never too high." Men carry several people on stretchers. A woman in the audience stops tears running down her cheeks as she continues to watch.

"Let's go! Get on with it!" The man yells, once again fed up. People turn their heads as the ruckus gets louder.

"Hey, just start the cartoon!" The man yells once more before Steve snaps; " Hey, you wanna shit up?" Steve repeats back to the guy.

"Together with Allied forces, we'll face any threat, no matter the size." The announcer continues as the man stands, blocking the screen as he turns to Steve.

·•Duh Nun Na Na Naa•·

The man punches Steve in the face, knocking him into the garbage can behind.

Steve quickly stands up, but is quickly knocked back down again with another punch to the face. He holds him self up by the wall, grabbing the lid of the trash can as a shield.


The guy rips the lid from Steve's hands and throws it to the side, nearly bringing Steve with it.

With one final punch to the face Steve falls down once more before begrudgingly pushing himself off the concrete.

"You just don't know when to give up, do you?" The man questions, shaking his head.

"I can do this all day." Steve says between spared breaths, leaning backwards and forwards in a tired motion.

Steve attempts to punch the guy infront of him but is soon blocked by the guys arm pushing the punch upwards and coming back in and punching Steve to where he hits his head on the trash can.

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size." James says pulling on the guys jacket, forcing him backwards out of the alley.

The guy attempts to punch James but he dodges it, punching the guy square into he face, knocking him around before literally kicking his ass.

"Sometimes I think you like getting punched." Bucky comments walking back over to Steve.

"I had him on the ropes." Steve said, shaking his hand free from the pain of the punch and holding his face as he squinted.

"How many times is this?" But my asked, picking up the small piece of paper from the ground and opening up to show the big 4F once more.

"Oh, you're from Paramus now? You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form, and seriously, Jersey?" Bucky asks as Steve whiped the blood from usi nose.

"You get your orders?" Steve asks, ignoring the questions and focusing on Bucky's new uniform.

"The one-o-seveth." Bucky said slightly hesitant. "Sergeant James, Barnes, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow." He continued.

Steve shook his head in annoyance, "I should be going."

"Come on, man." Bucky said changing the subject again, turning Steve to start walking with him, swinging his arm over his shoulders.

"My last night! I got to get you cleaned up-" Bucky couldn't finish his sentence as a white light engulfed the two.

(A/N: Hey guys! First chapter is out, what do you think? I have so many ideas but I'd still love suggestions so feel free to comment :)

I would have uploaded this earlier today but I went to a meerkat encounter and holy crap they're cute, and so fluffy! Don't get me started on their little paws! Ahhhh!!!!!

Also happy birthday to one of my best friends ever smoke24fire I hope you had a great day. Also happy birthday to anyone else reading this, have a great day!

So how has your guys' past few weeks been? Tbh I don't know if I'm going to pass my ACE Science class (excelled science) but we'll see!)

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