- "So, you joined the army." -

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A black-and-white version of Steve appeared as he stood in an enrollment office, seemingly disappointed before turning around and walking in.

"Again?" Bucky asks not even surprised at this point.

"This hasn't happened yet," Steve shrugs, making Bucky's eyes go wide along with some of the other members in the room.

"Well, that is what we are here to watch, the future," Peggy says, moving the attention from Steve that she could see making him uncomfortable.

Steve sits in one of the doctor's offices, being checked if he is fit for duty, that was if he even got into the army.

As Steve was putting his shoes on something caught his attention. Doctor Erskine walked through with a file, he then passed it to Steve who opened it, showing he got in with the big '1A' stamped at the bottom.

Steve was overjoyed while Bucky was frozen, he had lost many friends to the war and he didn't want Steve to be another one.

Steve stood, lined up with the other recruits as they stood on the army base. Peggy walked passed him, stopping for a second to stare at him.

He struggled as he tried to climb his way up the rope wall, other men passed him quickly but Steve continued on.

Bucky couldn't help but chuckle at his friend, leading others of the Commandos to join in as well as Steve at the irony of the situation.

A flag waved as it showed they were at ' Camp Lehigh'. A large group of men ran closer to the flag, Steve noticeably at the back.

Steve continued to struggle as he pushed himself through the muck, his unloaded gun in his arms as he tried to get through the barbed wire along with the other men.

Colonel Phillips shook his head, disgusted by the number of random people they were bringing into the army that would for a fact do no help.

Peggy looked back as she sat in the small jeep, the men running stopping close behind the back of the car. Steve stopped, putting his hands on his knees and breathing heavily before looking back up.

Colour was introduced to the screen as one of the posts was knocked down in the way of where Steve was climbing through the mud but Steve pursued.

"Is that colour?" Howard asked surprised as everyone refocused their eyes on the change of the lights on the screen.

Steve looked up at the flag pole in front of him before the lieutenant training the group yelled at him. Suddenly the pole dropped to the ground, Peggy then looked to see the lieutenant's reaction as he was frozen in place. Steve picked up the flag attached to the end of it before handing it to the lieutenant.

"No one's got that flag in 17 years..." Peggy muttered more to herself.

The Colonel and Erskine talked as they watched the men train, Phillips then suddenly through a 'live' grenade into the centre of their training.

"Are you insane!?" Bucky yelled as a reflex before instantly regretting it. "Sorry Sir," The Commandos laughed loudly at Barnes's quick apology before being given a hard stair by the Colonel.

"Not a perfect Soldier, but -." Erskine described Rogers jumping onto the grenade, yelling at everyone to move away.

"Are you insane!?" Barnes restated, now focusing his attention on Steve whose eyes were wide, looking at the screen to see what would happen next.

Steve sat alone on his bunk before the scene changed slightly to show Erskine sitting across from him, pointing at the man's heart. "-A good man"

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