- We're Here -

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"Steve!" Bucky exclaimed jumping up from the floor to pick Steve up.

"Bucky?" Steve said, disoriented as he held his hand to his head again. "What's going-"

"Rogers, Steven born 1918. Barnes, James born 1917." A mysterious voice said from the corner of the room.

"Who are you!?" Bucky said, moving Steve behind him.

"You can call me Lenora, but I must warn you; it's not my real name." A bleach-blonde woman said stepping out of the shadows in quite a colourful outfit.

"Why are we here?" Bucky asked, still holding Steve tightly behind him.

"I suggest you sit down, we can discuss this when the others get here," Lenora said calmly. Bucky hesitantly led Steve over to the chairs, still keeping a level glare at Lenora.

Suddenly more flashes of white light appeared around the room, leaving a couple more people in the now-dark room.

"Peggs? You okay?" Howard Stark asked holding Peggy up from the wall.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Peggy said pushing him away slightly before standing taller.

"Colonel..." Peggy said realising who else was in the room. Bucky's eyes widened as well.

"Carter..." The man said in a rough voice. "Where are we?" He asked looking around the room.

"Looks like a theatre," Howard said as he looked around the room as well.

"And you are?" Erskine said in his german accent, stepping down the side stairs towards Steve and Bucky, taking notice of the two first.

"Sargent James Buchanan Barnes sir," Bucky stood, saluting the man in front of him.

"At ease soldier," Bucky swiftly put his arms to his side, relaxing slightly and giving a side glance to Steve who was standing to the side of the two.

"And you young man?" The Colonel turned to Steve.

"Steven Grant Rogers sir," Steve responded quickly but quietly.

"Lenora, now they are here, can we know what's going on yet?" Bucky asked into the abyss of the room before Lenora could appear once more.

Peggy, Howard and the Colonel took a few steps back as they watched the woman in awe.

"Take your seats," Lenora said gesturing to the front row by Steve and bucky. The four took their seats, chatting among themselves as Steve whispered to Bucky wearily.

More voices are heard behind them, making them turn around to see Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, Izzy Cohen, Jack Fury, Percy Pinkerton and Rebel Ralston piled upon the rows of seats.

"Your feet are in my face!" Gabe yells at Dum Dum as they all move around awkwardly. Finally, they all stand up to see the awe-struck face of Steve Rogers along with the shocked faces of Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Abraham Erskine and Chester Phillips.

"Men." The Colonel coughs, regaining everyone's attention including his own.

"Hurry up and take your seats, we don't have all day." Lenora jumps out of the dark, scaring half the people in the room.

Everyone quickly collapses into their chairs, taking in how much more comfortable they are than the one's 'at home'.

"Oh, and this is the future." Lenora warns before disappearing once more.

The screen lightens up, blinding the room with white light before the music begins to play.

(A/N: I would have updated an actual react but I've had a really busy week, but don't worry next week will definitely be a react. Also thanks to @BuckyBarnesLover19 for actually reminding me to update.

Anyways, my Aunt bought me an Avengers Guide book and I've already read it like three times, it's sooo good!!

I also had a swimming carnival on Tuesday and omg I was so tired and I didn't even go in any races, to be fair one of my friends nearly drowned me which was fun so...

By the way, how was your guys' week? Do you have any ideas you want to add to the book? Next week's chapter will be a Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier edit so if you have any ideas feel free to send them to me.

I've realised now how few Steve Rogers edits there are so tell me about some tik toks if you find any you like.

Have a great day/ night luv you all ♥️.)

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