- "A group of remarkable people," -

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"There was an idea..." Tony stands from his position on a couch as he continues to watch the tv infront of him

"What's that thing he's looking at?" Peggy questions as she sees whatever it is move.

"That is a tv in the future," Howard was awe struck, he had never seen anything like it.

"How does it work, is it projected onto the screen-" Howard begun to asks questions rapidly, intrigued by the machine.

"There is a better time to talk about this Doctor," The Colonel reminds Howard, stopping him before he can continue.

A woman walked down the isle of a train, looking at each person as she continued.

"That is Carol Danvers, one of the 5 strongest Avengers," Lenora introduced before anyone could ask any questions.

"The idea was to bring together-" Natasha walked into the hull of the hellicarrier, Bruce and Steve following closely behind.

"-A group of remarkable people." The screen slid across, a yellow glow tinting the cut scenes. A man walked up the stairs, his cape flowering behind him as the light coming through the window merely showed his shadow.

"To see if they could-" Natasha and Tony stood next to each other as they looked out over the grass plain in front of the Avengers Compound.

"Become something more." A young boy walked across a football field as other kids continued to play.

"Why is there a young kid in this video?" Peggy asked worriedly.

"That young kid, is an Avenger. Peter Parker to be exact." Lenora said like it was nothing.

T'Challa walked into the Wakandan throne room to be met by many Wakandans.

"The Avengers Initiative." Fury introduced as lightning crackled in Thor's hands as he slowly clenched them in anger.

"Is that lightning!?" Dum Dum exclaimed in suprise.

"Yes! That is one of Steve's other close friends; Thor Odinson. He's the Norse god of thunder." Lenora said happily.

The rooms jaws dropped.

"I'm friends with the god of thunder!?" Steve exclaimed, still frozen in place.

Lenora hummed happily. "Oh! You can't forget about Loki either! That's Thor's brother; The Norse God of Mischief! He's the one in the black suit in the background." Lenora said pointing to the screen.

The audience slightly nodded, still hardly being able to move, in shock of the new information.

Ironman dropped to the ground, dust lifting up around him as he seemed to be in the rubble of a lost city. A blurred man stood infront of him, holding out his arm for some reason.

(' going to war again ')

The Howling Commandos burst through a barn door, Steve standing at the front wiht his shield displayed.

A woman with flaming orange hair lifted what seemed to be at least a thousand tons of metal, her red powers covering the mechanism.

"Wanda Maximoff or the Scarlet Witch, she's kinda like Steve's daughter figure." Lenora said, squinting her eyes as she debated with herself.

1940s Marvel React // AdomaniaWhere stories live. Discover now