Its all History Now

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"Sufficed to say, Natasha and Bucky had a good relationship. That was until Buckys' mind was erased, and every memory of them being together was gone. Which is kind of surprising considering the majority of his time as the Winter Soldier, James remembers." Lenora explained.

"Why is it then that Bucky can't remember his and her relationship?" Steve asks curiously.

"I'm not entirely sure, to be honest, it could have been a drug HYDRA had given him for all I know."

Bucky looked down. He seemed disappointed. Slowly and quietly, Steve rested his hand on his friends, leading to Bucky looking up at him sadly. Steve gave him a sad smile before squeezing his hand and looking back to the screen.

"By 2014 -- which was, in fact, the year James escaped HYDRA's control. Natasha had already moved on,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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