- ♪Lover of the Russian Queen♪ -

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"So, this next one might be a little confronting but it's important to the future." Lenora explains.

The audience begrudgingly agreed to seeing the video, taking their seats once more.

A man lies dead on the floor as the camera turns to show another man, his face covered with a large black mask.

"Who is that?" Peggy asks motioning to the man on screen.

"Isn't that the man Steve was fighting toward the end of the video?" Dum Dum asks which the commandos agree upon.

Bucky was worried now, why is this man so important to the future? He thought. Unless. No, no way. We saw Steve fine at the end. Didn't we?

"Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists-" The man pulls down a gun as his hair covers his left eye before retaking aim.

"the ones that do call him the Winter soldier." The soldier grabs another man by the neck, pushing him through glass-wooden doors.

"The Winter Soldier?" Howard questions more as a statement to the previous question.

"Literally programed to kill."

"What does he mean by that?" Jack asks, getting a little anxious over this new character.

"I can explain once you have more details so I suggest to continue watching." Lenora states before anyone can interfere.

The soldier blinks as he looks up to see Arnim Zola standing right above him.

"Arnim..." Peggy seethed, the doctor had his from them long enough.

"He's credited with over 2 dozen assassinations in the last 50 years." Stretching out his hand, the Winter Soldier is frozen in what seems to be a metal box. The glass reflecting only half of his face.

(A/N: Not enough for them to know who it is apparently 🤷‍♀️ *wink wink*)

"50 years is a long time." Percy contemplated, trying to think of a reasonable explanation.

The Winter Soldier looks to the side, staring at a new target.

"We heard whispers he was on the peninsula," An old man mutters gruffly as the Winter Soldier starts up his bike among the trees.

The Winter Soldier walks forward, the shadow of the trees making the landscape barren and the soldiers face hard to identify.

(A/N: We're getting there, just chill.)

"Where everyone they sent out there-" The Soldier rides beside a car before the car swerves, hitting a tree.

Spamming the metal barred door closed the the soldiers face ewas once again covered by his hair and poor lighting.

(A/N: Okay to be fare this one is a little more believable.)

"Never came back." The soldier raises a gun, pointing it to another witness.

Barnes' is revealed as the Winter Soldier when he raises his gun to shoot the security camera.

Everyone was in shock, James Buchanan Barnes is the Winter Soldier.

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