Chapter 1 : Silent Vow

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Modern-day Aphrodite's Home

Bryan POV:

"BRI!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR CAMP!!"  "I'M COMING!! I JUST NEED TO FIND MY NECKLACE! Oh, I FOUND IT!"  "Oh my Zeus, we're gonna be the laughing stock if we aren't careful," I said, grumbling in frustration.  I stood at the bottom of a staircase, waiting for my sister. We were going to Camp Oasis because Mother thought it would be an "opportunity of true love" for the both of us. Yeah, I'm alright with the routine I've been doing for centuries. Running a party, getting a boyfriend, and breaking his heart because I lost interest after a year. I did erase the memory so they didn't live with that pain; I don't like grievings over relationships. Or I would dump the man straight off the bat because he's an ass, even if he's handsome. After a couple of minutes, Bri finally came running down the stairs.  "I'm sorry, I just wanted to look my best for meeting the other demigods." She said while trying to catch her breath.  I looked at the necklace Bri had around her neck. It was a pure gold chain with a ruby pendant, which didn't match her physical appearance or pink dress.  "Sister, I love you, but why, out of all your necklaces? Did you have to grab that one?" Bri looked down at the pendant and fiddled with it, "What's wrong with me wearing my lucky necklace?"  I moved my hand in a pointing position and made it look like I was a teacher moving their hand across a whiteboard, "For one, it's not lucky, considering whenever you wear it, you get the worst luck for that day. And two, you know red isn't your color." Bri pouted and gave me a puppy-eye look for a moment. "Bri, your puppy eyes may work on humans, demigods, and all the gods in Olympus, including our mother, but it won't work on me." "Pleeease, Bryan." She kept looking at me with begging eyes like a dog looking for attention. I sighed, "You're not gonna stop looking at me like that until I say yes, are you?"  Bri didn't say anything. We kept staring at each other until I gave up, "Fine, but don't blame me if a chimera comes after you. And if anything goes wrong with me, I will personally send you to the Underworld." "YES! Thank you, Bryan. Now let's go." Bri zoomed past me and out of the building. I followed behind her; she stood at the pool waiting for me. "You ready, Bri?" I asked with curiosity. She replied excitedly, "READY!" "Alright. Now we walk." We walked through the pool and appeared in a Gazebo on the other side. We walked out of the Gazebo and up some stairs until we saw the mansion and stopped. Bri shivered while she said, "Brrr, I know we don't get wet when we do that, but it's so cold!" "Would you like to fly the rest of the way or walk? It's a few miles." I asked, raising an eyebrow. "We can walk, it's not too far, and besides, it's also a nice day today," Bri replied. I sighed, "Alright, guess we're walking to camp."

10 minutes later-

"How much more do we have to walk, Bryan." "IT'S BEEN TEN MINUTES!" We were walking through an open field. Bri was already tired. (I know we haven't walked in a while since we rely on wings, but no way she's already exhausted.) I looked up to see where the sun was since the camp was west.  The sun was behind us, meaning it was still sometime in the morning. I then looked around and saw a few trees that could be used for shade. I sighed, "Alright, we have a bit of time since we have to be there by this afternoon. There are some trees over there, so let's sit down. Bri plopped herself on the ground and yawned, "Did we have to get up so early?" "Did you have to spend an hour choosing an outfit for going to summer camp?" Bri glanced away from me and turned red in embarrassment. I glared at Bri for a few moments before looking into the field. In the distance was a black figure; Bri seemed to notice them too. "Hey Bryan, who's that?" I glanced down at Bri. She looked scared. I then looked back at the figure, "I don't know, sis. But I don't think we should trust them." The black figure suddenly began to walk toward us. I pulled out a sword that had a bright pink glow in caution. They continued walking until they stopped a few feet away. Now I could get a good look at them. They had a straight posture and hid in a black cloak. Making it so neither of us could see their face. Bri stood behind me as she started to utter a few spells under her breath. The figure began to speak in a familiar tone, yet I couldn't place it. "Hello there, are you two demigods?" I kept pointing my sword at the strange figure; they took a step back. "Calm now; I don't mean to fight. I only come bearing warnings and a gift." Bri glanced toward me and then stepped forward, "BRI, don't walk towards them." She looked at the figure and then at me. Bri spoke in an enthusiastic tone, "Maybe they're nice. They did just say that they don't mean harm." I pulled Bri behind me while saying, "Not everyone that says they don't mean any harm actually mean they don't mean any harm. Besides, you are way too trusting." Turning my attention toward the figure, I asked, "Who are you?" The figure stepped back forward, "My name isn't important. All I know is that demigods like you shouldn't walk in the open like this. Someone's bound to take advantage." I continued glaring at the figure as they brought out two swords. One was gold with an amber glow, while the other was a dark magenta with a violet glow. But both looked like they were built by Hephaestus and held together by old magiks. I began to speak until Bri interrupted me, "Um, whoever you are, we don't need weapons. What happens if you need them to defend yourself against the world's dangers?" The figure chuckled slightly as the glow of the swords wavered. Something felt off. (Something's wrong.) I grabbed Bri by the shoulder and began to walk away from the figure, "Don't worry, we're not leaving. My sister and I just need to speak privately." The dark figure slowly nodded their head and let us speak alone. We walked away, and once we were far enough away. I turned to Bri as I angrily said, "We cannot trust whoever that person is." Bri glanced at the figure and then back to me, "Well, whoever that is doesn't have any negative auras. Perhaps the gods don't like them, or they don't even have a name. People like that exist." "Sister, the gods don't like anyone that isn't a story or themselves." I retorted. Still feeling cautious and upset about the situation, I continued, "Bri, we don't want to be late to camp, so let's politely say goodbye, and then we can leave." Bri looked down in disappointment as she mumbled loudly enough for me to hear, "They did say they wanted to give something to help us. It would be rude to decline someone's gift." I glanced down toward the grass and back at Bri. Her arms were crossed, and her eyes narrowed from anger toward me. After staring at her for a few minutes, I put my right hand on my hip. Then I sighed and shook my head, "Alright, we can accept their gift. But that's it, alright. This is the last thing I am going to tolerate." Bri jumped in joy and hugged me tightly, "Thank you, Bryan." "You're......Wel...come? Please, let go." Bri let go and laughed, "Whoops, you know I'm a tight hugger." I smiled as I thought, (Bri, don't ever stop being a bubbly and kind person.) Bri and I walked back over to the figure. I still felt cautious, but Bri seemed excited. The figure spoke, "Have you decided?" I nodded while Bri spoke for the both of us. "Yes, we have decided to accept your gift. It would be rude not to." The figure nodded as they said, "Indeed it would. Now, if you couldn't tell, I have decided to give you two swords." Bri smiled while I said, "Thank you for the gesture, but. What kind of swords are they?" The two swords floated toward the both of us. Bri grasped onto the gold sword while I held the magenta sword. The figure spoke, "Those swords are the Binding Daffodil and the Seductive Rose. Each holds great power that will protect you both. But, it comes with a price." I looked at the figure in confusion and worry as I asked, "What kind of price?" The figure snapped its fingers, "Oh, don't worry. It's a small price you've already paid."

Third POV:

The two children of Aphrodite watched as the figure disappeared, and the swords gleamed brighter than before. Vines of magik emerged from the two blades. Enveloping the Aphrodite children as they screamed in pain. Soon, all that was left was the two children of Aphrodite. But both wings and memories of that moment were gone. And the two swords gleamed and glowed with excitement and joy. The game had finally begun.  

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