Chapter 6 : An Eye-Opening Talk

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Kaykrae POV:

Because the last fight ended the way it did, people were either scared to fight the twins or willing to fight the twins beyond extremes. I was having trouble calming down the bickering about Bryan and Bri. Fortunately, they stood off to the side, meaning I didn't have to deal with everyone. The two seemed a lot happier about the fight than they thought. Perhaps a spar was all they needed. I decided to cancel the two v. twos and let us move on to the next trial in a week. It did need a bit of time to get set up. Thankfully, I wasn't in charge of setting it up, galas aren't my department. There were some sighs of relief from a couple of campers and some disappointment from others. But we couldn't reach an agreement. The Oracle flew back to her cabin, she flew past the twins which glared at her until she disappeared from view. Then they went back to talking. Everyone began leaving the arena because of the trial's second-half cancellation. Right before Bryan and Bri left, I called out to them. "BRYAN! BRI! Could you stay a moment?" The two looked at each other with perplexed eyes. I don't think they could figure out why I needed to speak with them, but I thought it would be better to have this conversation now than later. Bryan said, "Yeah, sure, I guess. Why would you need to speak with us? Is this about us doing the stalemate?" I gave a small laugh, "No, actually. Even though that fight was probably one of the best ones I've ever watched and you left me astonished, dumbfounded even. I do hope to see you both spar again. It's about something else." My tone changed from bright and bubbly to serious and quiet. "I wanted to speak with you both about last night." The two froze. Their postures tensed and their demeanor changed from sturdy to ready to break at any moment. Bri strained a smile and asked, "What about last night?" I nodded toward the direction the Oracle flew, it was the opposite of many campers. Bryan suddenly looked annoyed, showing he realized what I was talking about. "Oh, the Oracle?" I nodded. "You two don't seem to like her. Was what she said last night more unnerving to you both than the others? Also, why do your eyes constantly change color?" Bryan couldn't seem to think of anything to say. Bri did though, she blinked and her eyes changed from blue to red again. She walked up to me and said, "What the Oracle makes us feel is none of your business. Our eye color is a result of our magiks and changes when we feel a specific way. Besides, why do you even want to know these things?" Bri's tone was hostile and her expression matched the same one I saw the night before. I slithered back slightly and said, "I don't mean any harm to either of you if that's what you're assuming. But as your camp counselor, I need to know if you two are going to be okay staying here at camp. I saw Bryan having a breakdown last night and I only wanted to see if everything was alright." After I gave my explanation, Bri backed off. Bryan seemed to have a mixture of sadness and shock. His eyes flashed green, "You-You care?" But they went back to the sunset color they normally are after he said that. "YES?! Why wouldn't I? You are members of the camp. Besides, even if this is the first time I've met you, I can still care and worry about you." The two were confused. It was like they didn't understand the mere concept of someone wishing to help. Bri gripped her sword and her shock turned back to anger, "We don't need help." She then glared at me, red eyes glowing in anger, and said while pointing at me, "Too many gods have lied. So what makes you any different?" Bri paused and gripped her torso. "What makes any of us any different than those bastards?   Hell, EVEN MORTALS ARE JUST AS BAD!" Bri spun around and stormed off in anger. Bryan stared down at the ground, his expression showed anger as well. But he was calmer than Bri. Bryan's tone was grave and quiet, "You know she's right." I hummed and he looked up. Bryan's eyes were green again, and all I could see was pain and grief. Bryan sneered as he spoke, "You know what she says is correct. The gods are nothing without their thrones and go to any cost to keep it, and mortals do nothing but please the gods, and be their entertainment. Clean up after messes the gods make in hopes of a reward. One they'll never get, and they'd destroy their own families just to defend their own safety from the god's wrath. And then there's us demigods, who are either as hypocritical as the gods or as stupid as the mortals. And that's all we'll be." Bryan paused for a moment and took a shaky breath while closing his eyes. He gripped the necklace around his neck, which I realized was the same one Bri wore the night before. When Bryan opened them, his eyes were back to normal and he said, "I'm going to find my sister. We have better things to do than stay here." Bryan's sword gave a sad purple glow as he adjusted it before walking away. Leaving me feeling shocked and confused. "Is that what they truly think? That the gods are nothing but horrid. Yes, many a few of them are petty and quite stupid at times but........." I stopped and let everything Bryan and Bri said go through my mind again. And I knew who won in this argument. (But they're right. Almost none of the gods are truly good. Those who say they are, give the reason that they follow the rules and order. Though they follow rules that aren't good. No god deserves their throne, not unless they truly care about mortals......... and us.) I began heading back toward camp. Now truly knowing how interesting of a summer this would be.  

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