Chapter 8 : A Beast and an Archer

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Xylo POV:

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Xylo POV:

I was speaking with Jakey and Brandeen when Bryan and Bri walked up. They both waved and Bryan seemed happy about something while Bri seemed upset. Brandeen took one look at the people and said, "Nope, not dealing with that." Jakey then protested, "Wait, why are you leaving?" Brandeen waved off and as he walked away yelled, "Too many people, you're lucky I stayed for the trial." Once Brandeen was out of earshot, I looked back at the group we had here. Bryan was staring at Jakey with an intrigued look. Bryan then walked up to him and said, "So, fish boy. You seem nice." I could see how nervous Jakey was. I stood next to Bri and glanced at her. I whispered, "What's going on?" She didn't answer me, but she did hold up one of her hands and began counting down from five to zero before pointing. Just then, Bryan said, "Do you wanna go somewhere or do something? Just the two of us?" It was then I realized what was happening. I whispered to Bri again, now in a stressed tone, "Is he hitting on Jakey?" Bri nodded and whispered, "Yep. Don't worry, they'll be out of our hair soon enough." Jakey turned red and began flustering. "U-Um well. I-I guess." Bryan then clapped his hands together and said, "Great." He then stopped for a second and his contented expression wavered to an emotionless expression. Then the seductive smile returned and his grin was mischievous. He said, "Don't you want to get something to eat? That fight probably took a lot out of you. Why don't we have a small picnic? I bet that'll be fun." Jakey's eyes suddenly had a pink glow. He relaxed and said, "Sure, it does sound fun. Maybe by the ocean." Bryan nodded and smiled in understanding. He then said in an excited tone, "It sounds romantic. I'd love to do it there." Bri gripped her sleeves tightly. I just felt awkward being here, but I could tell she hated the situation. Bryan glanced at Bri for a moment and winked before he grabbed Jakey's arm. And waved, "I'll see you tonight sister. I hope you have a great time Xylo." The two walked off, and I was left alone with Bri. Who I admit scares me, a lot. After a minute of utter silence, Bri said, "Sorry about that. My," She paused before continuing with a strained tone and said, "Brother, is a little something at times. But he and Jakey will probably start dating in about two days. Maybe two hours with how Jakey reacted to the charm speak." I nodded and said, "So that was charm speak. Are we going to do anything about it?" I looked at Bri and noticed how her sword was glowing amber. Not the gold it once was. She shook her head and the awkward tension was still here. I said, "You did really well in the trial. The way you fight is amazing. I found it beautiful in a way." Bri's eyes light up slightly. I couldn't tell what it was, whether it was a surprise, or something else. She blushed slightly and her eyes gleamed a red violet. They weren't the blood red I saw when she got mad or during the fight, but had a hint of blue that made them have that purplish tone. A strand of hair fell out of place and she moved it back while saying, "Th-Thank you. You did pretty well yourself. You just got unlucky against Marshie." I smiled and cockily said, "So the daughter of Aphrodite isn't a complete beast?" She froze when I said that. I realized what I called her and immediately began studdering and apologizing. "OH, MY GODS! I-I-I'm s-so sorryyyy. I d-didn't m-mean t-to call you that. Y-You're not a-a beast. Y-You're just a l-little h-hostile. I-I mean, y-you're n-not th-th-that. I ... Uh .........Shoot." I stopped talking and facepalmed myself. (God damn it. I messed up.) Bri stared at me with a stunned look on her face. I was imagining the things she was thinking. (Bri probably thinks I'm really stupid. I mean, why wouldn't she? That is never how you talk to a girl for the first time. Dang it.) I began to hear small giggles turning into laughing. I looked over and Bri was in tears while laughing and smiling. She stopped to take a breath and said, "You are such a moron. Haha. How are you still alive?" Bri had a big grin on her face and I couldn't help but smile. I then proudly said, "You could say I use my, 'Stupidity' to my advantage. Monsters ignore me because of it." Bri laughed again, "Why? Because you act like a dumbfounded mortal?" I nodded my head with the proud look still on my face. Bri stared at me for a moment before she stopped smiling and looked toward the direction Bryan and Jakey walked off. The trance-like gaze returned to her face. Feeling concerned, I put my hand on her right shoulder and asked, "Are you okay?" Her eyes changed back to her cyan blue and she smiled. "Yeah, I'm alright. You just remind me of someone. I don't know if they would get along with you because of it." "If who would get along with me?" I asked, confused. Bri shook herself out of the daze she was putting herself into again. "Uh, no one. Don't worry about it." She glanced at the daffodils in the grass and smiled, "You know. If I am such a beast, I have the perfect nickname." Nervous and confused, I started saying, "I-I didn't mean to call you that," "Shhh." Bri held her finger over my lips and said, "I know that. But I personally like being called a beast, so...Call me Beastly, skelly." I moved her finger away from my lips and tilted my head to the left. "Skelly? What's that for?" Bri began to walk away. "It stands for skeleton, don't ask why. You'll know soon enough." She stopped where she stood and turned to face me. It was beginning to get late in the day. And the sunlight hit her just right. I could feel myself getting hot and getting lost in her gaze. I felt like everything that was already happening didn't matter. Just this moment. Bri smiled, and it was soft and sweet. She walked back up to me and kissed me on the cheek. My heart was beating so fast, I was surprised I hadn't had a heart attack. Bri spoke softly, "I hear the next trial is the Aphrodite Ball. Maybe I'll see you there." I studdered out, "Y-Yeah." Bri smiled and walked away. Her steps barely made a sound. When she was gone, all I could think about was her, and the way she gazed into my eyes. But I could finally relax when she left, even though I shouldn't have feared her as much as I thought. 

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