Chapter 0 : Darkness and light begin

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Third POV:

"Wait, you want me to come with you?" Xoseme stood on the dock, facing Zeratino and Xiphos. Zeratino spoke, "Yes, please. You don't like the life you're stuck in, and you're one of the only people we've met who understands us. You could be free. Please, I don't say this often, but I care about you a lot and don't want to leave you like this." Xoseme turned back toward a hill, a building sat on the mountain, and the firelight inside began to dim. "I can't leave him alone without saying anything.'s not like he needs me." Then she looked back to the brothers. Xoseme looked past them both and saw a couple of the sailors finishing the preparations to leave. She thought, (Father keeps sending suitors to get rid of me. Mother won't do anything against his word because she believes I should do as he says. And Drannus, he's hard. But he doesn't need me when Xiphos and Zeratino do. And I don't need him.) Xoseme then sighed, "Alright, I'll come. Besides, you two need help if you want to continue hiding from the gods." Xiphos looked up and smiled while Zeratino sighed in relief. Zeratino said, "Thank you, Beastly. It'll be nice to have a friend with us this time." Xiphos coughed, looked at Zeratino, and asked, "Beastly's coming with us?" Zeratino smiled, "She is Xiphos, she is. Now let's go before they leave without us." The three walked onto the boat as it began setting sail for Argos. Much later, inside an endless void, a small statue of Xoseme shattered into pieces. "WHAT!" Yelled the embodiment of Doom. "MOROS!? What's going.........on?" The embodiment of Hope, Elpis walked toward Moros's shrine and saw the pieces of the former statue. "!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Moros sighed, "It seems my champion has left our game and joined another, most likely not by choice. But we have no sight of her anymore." The bringer of Doom seemed for once worried. He lost his champion to a god. What is worse than to be humiliated like that? Elpis looked past Moros and soon ran by, shocking him out of thought. "ELPIS, what-" Moros stopped as he looked to where Elpis stood. She stood by the representation of the Shrine of Argos. There were flowers around the shrine once, yet all were burned or withered away now. The aura around Elpis began to dim as Moros's aura gleamed. Elpis sounded like she were on the verge of tears as the shrine crumbled to dust. "The mortals, w-what's happened? There's no hope, there's nothing except-" "Doom. I may like having it caused, but this is the work of hatred. If anything exists that I dislike more than hope, it's hatred." Elpis looked up from the dust, "I thought you would have liked hatred?" Moros's eye closed, "No, I like anger, fear, and sorrow. Hatred is what exists when things go too far. Farther than I would like. Trust me, even I draw a line for what I can and should do." Elpis looked back to the pile of dust as Moros experimented with the new auras surrounding him. "Moros, something's wrong. I feel darkness, more darkness than normal." Elpis looked past Moros and teleported to her shrine; Moros followed in curiosity. Elpis picked up a statue of a boy that was similar to Xoseme. "Would you like me to keep an eye on Drannus? With whatever happened to Xoseme, we may want to watch him; make sure nothing happens." "I thought you didn't like Drannus." Moros looked at the shrine and back to the statue, "It's not that I don't like him. I don't like how he gives in to peer pressure. If he didn't have any of that pressure, I am sure he would be a perfect representation of us both." Elpis looked at Moros in confusion, "Both of us? What do you mean by that, Moros?" "I mean, the box will probably open soon. And I believe we should have a representative for hope and doom. We are always fighting because we aren't neutral beings. Mortals are neutral until the gods do something stupid or that mortal does something stupid. But Drannus has surprisingly not bent too far in light but not gone too far away from darkness. Which means-" "HE'S A PERFECT SYMBOL!! Moros, you are a genius." "Someone has to be out of the two of us." "H-HEY!" Moros chuckled as Elpis's gold glow turned orange, and she grumbled in frustration. The two embodiments stared at each other and then at the statue. Elpis spoke, "The only question is," "Will he say yes?"

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