Chapter 2 : Welcome to Camp - Introductions

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Author note: Heads up, Relena will not be involved because I don't know much about her and because I don't know the age difference of Bryan and Bri, they are twins.  Also, sorry for taking so long.  I needed to watch the first season again so this was somewhat accurate.  

Kaykrae POV:

(Here we go, the first day of camp. It's gonna be great.) Humming while standing outside the camp entrance, I had been waiting for the new campers. Soon they all came, having fairly engaging personalities as they mingled. I clapped my hands, making sure I was heard. "Alright campers. Welcome to Camp Oasis and thank you all for coming. My name is Kaykrae and I am going to be your counselor for this summer. Beside me is Marshie, and I've noticed that you all have already mingled with each other. But, proper introductions are in order. So we'll start with you." I pointed toward a man with a blue trident. He had a prideful grin as he said, "Hello, my name is Jakey. And I am the Son of Poseidon, God of the Sea and Earthquakes. And I am the rightful owner of the trident." Jakey held his trident with pride and I sighed, "Alright then, and you." I pointed toward a man with a horse standing beside him. He seemed excited, too excited. "Hello there everyone. I'm Xylo, this is my horse, Shadow. And I am a Son of Apollo. I like mu-" "I'm gonna stop you there." I said, interrupting Xylo. (Already met enough Children of Apollo to know how this is gonna turn out.) Xylo looked down in disappointment. I motioned my hand toward another man, wearing a mask with half of his face black and one eye purple while the other was the same blue as his hair. He spoke calmly, "Hello everyone. I am the second Son of Poseidon, my name is Mitch, and I am the current owner of the trident. The real owner." He said looking over at Jakey, Jakey glanced away and said in annoyance, "Obviously, Father was unwise." (Oh boy, I can see where this goes.) After a few moments of them having what looked like a stare-off, I continued. Moving to a girl with pink hair and blue eyes along with a man with brown hair and sunset eyes, I said, "You two look like a pair. Who might you be?" The girl spoke confidently, "My name is Bri, this is my twin brother Bryan, and-" "Older by 13 minutes." Said Bryan proudly. Bri seemed upset and stared at him for a moment before continuing. Her tone had hints of irritation as she spoke. "And we are the Children of Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. We-" "I'm gonna stop you there and move on." I said, stopping Bri. (By their attitudes so far, I can already tell where this might start going. I know they may get angry at me, but it's better before they start rambling.) Both Bryan and Bri glared at me. It was obvious they didn't like the fact that I stopped them, but they should be able to talk about themselves later. I motioned to a white-haired man and he spoke, "Hey, name's Brandeen, and I'm the Son of Ares. Might get a little violent at times, but that's it." He glanced over to the man next to him and the man next to him spoke with delightment, "Hi, my name is Brick, and I'm the Son of Hades. Nice to meet all of you." Bryan whispered to Bri, "So he's a bit of a bad boy?" "That'll be interesting, and fun." I smiled and rolled my eyes, (Happens every year.) Clapping my hands, I said, "That's everyone. Now, some campers may come in during the summer, but you are all the first few. So I'll take you on a tour, and then camp will get started." There were a few excited yes's and goods. I took one final look at all the campers before entering the camp. Though I noticed two strangely designed swords with the Aphrodite twins, I shook it off and started the tour. (This summer will be great. I'll make sure of it.)  

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