Chapter 7 : New Game Plan

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Third POV:

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Third POV:

Bri stopped by the archery area, her eyes glassy and gleaming after her outburst, even though it wasn't her anger or her tears. Bryan ran up and once he stopped, he bent forward and rested his hands on his knees. Trying to catch his breath, while the person in control changed, "Beastly ....... Ha ......... Don't run off ......... Like that ......... Again ...... Please." Daffodil turned and seemed surprised at Rose's exhaustion. "Rosey, you can't get tired anymore. Remember? And also, change your voice, and don't call me that. We're in the open. Use the Aphrodite children's names." They seemed irritated again. Rose looked up at Daffodil and said, "I can't get tired. The host can though, remember Beastly.  And also, I can call you that as much as I want." She looked away from Rose, "Right. I forget we currently have vessels." Rose straightened himself and placed a hand on his hip, he said, "We should be more careful. Don't want to raise suspicion, it hasn't even been two full days." Daffodil rolled her eyes and looked back at Rose. She spoke in displeasure, "I'm sorry, but I don't like that snake. She's already keeping an eye on us because the twins are twins of Aphrodite. What is she going to do next? Call for guards or ask the gods themselves for help?" Daffodil stopped speaking and gripped her sword, its glow wasn't gold, but a dark amber. Rose noticed this and said, "I'm sorry, but your short temper may be something you have to keep under control. Yes, it worked well for specific occasions during servitude, but currently, it's going to get us discovered. We've already given the twins a popularity level by having them as the best fighters in the arena. I'd rather we keep it at that until we decide to reveal." The two had a silent argument for the next few minutes, they stared at each other and the argument ended when Daffodil finally looked away. She threw her hands up into the air and said, "Well if you're so smart, what do we do next?" Rose smirked, a grin of mischief settled on his face. "We get close to a couple of the other campers. And I know which one I want." The expression on Rose's face was now filled with an urge and excitement. And Daffodil knew that look, she recognized it the second he mentioned he knew what camper he was targeting. "Bryan, don't you even fucking think about it." Rose gave an innocent look and curiously asked, "Don't think about what?" Daffodil facepalmed herself and then pinched her nose. "I mean, don't go seducing random campers. Who are you even planning on doing this with?" With confidence, Rose said, "The son of Posideon, Jakey." The smirk was still on his face. Daffodil stared at Rose feeling completely perplexed. She tried speaking, but she stopped and thought. Daffodil was then about to say something again, but she once again stopped herself before speaking. Rose felt like he won this battle, "So, you admit it's a good idea, Bri." Daffodil, flustered and turning red, studdered, "N-No. I don't believe that. I believe that what you're doing is stupid. AND IT'S GOING TO FALL DOWN THE DRAIN!" Rose raised an eyebrow and asked, "Do you have any better ideas?" Daffodil glanced away and crossed her arms, she then grumbled. Confident, Rose said, "And that's a win for me. We are going with my plan." Rose paused and then asked, "But if I'm going off to seduce the son of Posideon. What are you doing?" Daffodil stared at the ground in silence, she was fuming and unfortunately knew that this was one of the best ideas Rose may have come up with. Especially for needed to gather more power. What better than talking to a son of the big three? She said with shame and embarrassment in her tone. "I guess I'll go after the son of Apollo. With however many hobbies his father has, he probably has quite a bit. One of them is most likely involved with specific artifacts. This is the only good thing about us possessing Aphrodite twins. And that's the fact that they somehow always look good. I still think this is stupid." Rose was now upset and feeling quite unfairly treated. "What was that about not using our actual voices?" "This is different." Remarked Daffodil as she held herself tall and her chin high. Daffodil had no wish to lose any more of her pride to the Rose. Rose looked past the archery targets and up the hill, he noticed a few demigods standing there. Among them were conveniently the son of Posideon and Apollo. The same one's the two were looking for. "Hey Daf, aren't those our targets?" Rose pointed up the hill and Daffodil turned to see where he was pointing. She said, "Yeah, they are." She then glanced back and asked, "Should we start the first step?" The Rose's excitement returned as he said, "Oh yes. This one's my favorite part." His eyes gleamed and glowed brightly. Daffodil spoke but this time, it wasn't as Bri, "Step one, seduction. Once we're done with that, we can move to step two." Rose began bouncing up and down, "And then we can kill them. Right?" Daffodil now finally smiled, "Indeed. Then we get to kill these morons. And once we're done here," "Olympus is next." Said Rose, finishing Daffodil's sentence. The two adjusted their swords, they stopped glowing, and their eyes changed back to Bri's and Bryan's colors. Daffodil spoke while her lips tilted upward in a smile, "Now, our fun truly begins." Rose grinned, and while most flowers in the field wilted, the daffodils and roses of all shades stayed and bloomed brighter than ever. "Finally."  

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