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𝙰𝚋𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍:
𝚈/𝚗: 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎
Italic: Thoughts
𝙰/𝚗: 𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜

Warning: Vulgar word at the end


Wander's POV

Someone's here, I know it. I could feel someone giving me a soft glance. Did Nahida find me?

That question was soon answered when someone grabbed my left hand which I quickly retracted and see Nahida standing there. The people who she pushed passed stared at her and whispered around.

"I never expected to find you here Wanderer." She wore a bright smile as she tilted her head up to see me.

"... Y/n, I'll meet you later."

"Huh? Oh alright." Y/n must've saw Nahida so I made my way out the crowd knowing Nahida would follow behind.

"Hold up!" Nahida yelped as she tried to follow quickly.

"No can do." On the contrary, I did slow down a bit as Nahida quickly caught up. I led the way to a less crowded place so Nahida wouldn't attract attention from others.

"Hehe, so how's the past few days of living outside the sanctuary?"

"It was rather.. chaotic. Oh and I heard you sent an order to the eremites to hunt me down."

"An order? To hunt? Nono you silly. I just wanted to know if you were safe."

"You and the traveler are good.. you both almost sound like a friend. But I know better than to think that way."

"I understand your mistrust towards others. But I hope it doesn't get it the way of making new friends. After all, even if you're a puppet, you're still a social creature." Nahida smile was so bright that if others took one look at her, they'd smile too.

"To be unburden by the pain of the world.. heh. I was once as naive as you. You don't understand at all."

"But I do, I really do. I've seen your past and I felt what you felt. Humans live up to a 100 years whilst you carry on to live. To find the truth that your friend didn't betray you-"

"I heard enough. I don't need you to relay my story to me." I folded my arms and looked away. I hated myself for doubting my friend for so long.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

Y/n's POV

Hm.. I wonder what's taking them so long.. I hope he's not in trouble. Uh.. I should check on them.

"Hey, Lumine. I'll be back, I'm gonna go check in Wanderer."

"Hm? Alright. Be back soon, Nilou's dance is almost over."

I walked over to where the pair was at. It was out in the open but a very secluded place because most of the people are in the audience..

I noticed Wanderer fold his arm as he looked away from the Dendro Archon, also in the opposite direction from where I'm coming from.

"Ah! Hello Y/n! It's nice to meet you again!" The Dendro Archon noticed me and waved, Wanderer then turned and notice me.

"Ah hello Less-"

"Just call me Nahida! Hehe!" Nahida wore a bright smile, a huge contrast from the expression worn on Wanderer's face.

"Hello Nahida, I hope I'm not interrupting."

"Not at all, in fact-"

"Let's just go to your home.." Wanderer cut Nahida off and dragged his feet away.

"Hm? What's up with him?"

"Perhaps it's better if he tells you himself. Do you mind taking care of him for me? He doesn't want to stay with me but he seems very comfortable with you."

"Huh- uh yea sure. I don't mind."

"Hehe thank you Y/n! I do hope Wanderer finds himself while he's with you." I glanced back at Wanderer who had his head low as he continued dragging his feet.

"Alright. Uh, I'll seen you next time then."

"Mhm! See you Y/n!" Nahida walks out of the bazaar with light steps, while I catch up to Wanderer's persistent steps.

"Wanderer! Wanderer! Hey!" I ran up in front of him, stopping him from going forward. "What happened?" I asked.

"Mind your own business, Y/n." Wanderer rushed past me as he banged into my right shoulder.

Surprisingly, the impact was so hard that fell backwards. But I was quickly caught by the same boy who pushed me with his face full of worry. He quickly got me on my feet and released me "Tch, how weak you are.."

"Huh? Wanderer, you-" I took a deep breathe before continuing, "Look, I don't know what's gotten into you. Since you insist to head back, then I'll just inform my friends-"

"You know what, you don't have to come with me. Just give me your keys and I'll head there myself. I've no doubt that you want to stay with your friends." Wanderer interrupts.

"Nope nope. Not happening. I'm coming with, whether you like it or not. Wait for me, I'll be right back." I turned to leave to Nilou and the others to inform them of me and Wanderer's departure.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

Wanderer's POV

"Wait for me, I'll be right back." Y/n left to their group of friends.

"Getting attached comes with a price. I've repeated the mistake thrice. And yet, I'm slowly making a forth.. I must leave Y/n before it's too late." I muttered under my breath.

A few minutes later, Y/n ran up to me.
"Alright! I'm set, let's head back shall we?" I departed, walking ahead. Y/n had nothing to say and we walked in a oddly comfortable silence.

Along the way to Y/n's house, there was a man walking in the opposite direction. His presence is eerily familiar, yet I've never met him before. As we walked past each other, he bumped into me hardly which made me stumble to my left. Huh- That insolent being..

Before I could give that trash a piece of my mind Y/n was at my side blabbering. "Wanderer, are you hurt?"

"Tch, you know what I am. Why would I be hurt? But that son of a b needs to be taught a lesson-"



I have to apologise for the long wait 😭 I've been busy with school work. And now, I'm finally having holidays! So be prepared for more posts AND a Kazuha fanfic!

Hope your pulls are going fantastic! I somehow managed to get Xiao and pjws this update during Xiao's banner XD and that was after getting wanderer and his bell owo. Good luck pulling hutao/yelan/future chars!

Any opinions on Dehya being standard? 😭

Catch me on twitch sometime cannon_plays!

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