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𝙰𝚋𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍:
𝚈/𝚗: 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎
Italic: Thoughts
𝙰/𝚗: 𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜

Warning: Vulgar words said by you know who <3


Y/n's POV

"Tch, you know what I am. Why would I be hurt? But that son of a b needs to be taught a lesson-" He rolled his sleeves but froze midway.

"Uh.. Wanderer? Your expression just switched from one of anger to one of horror." I pointed out as I looked back to the man who bumped into him only to find someone else walking there.

"Tch. Horror? In your dreams. Let's make a move." Wanderer's expression became neutral as he walked off in the direction of my house. I'm not imagining it, am I? He did look horrified, right?

The walk back was uneventful and silent. I kept wondering, if I did imagine his expression and who that teal-haired guy was that made him horrified or if it was all in my head.

"I'm going up to her room." Wanderer intentionally excluded her relation to me.

"Ok, let me know if you need anything."

"K, whatever." Wanderer closes the door slightly hard as if he's restraining himself from slamming the door.

What did Nahida say to Wanderer that got him worked up like that? I pondered. Before I could think further, a knock sounded on the front door. I opened the door which revealed the same teal-haired man wearing a black mask that covers the top half of his face.

"Uh.. hello?"

"Greetings, young lady/man. My.. what a fair complexion you have for a scholar. The sage from your Darshan recommended you help me with, a little experiment. I can assure you that you will be rewarded accordingly."

"The sage recommended me? Well then-" The door to her room slammed open, interrupting me mid-sentence.

"You leave them alone." Wanderer walks down the stairs and stood in between me and the man.

"Hahaha, guess I was right. Scaramouche, the 6th seat is still yours. Once a Fatui Harbinger, always a Fatui Harbinger. The God of Wisdom didn't have the heart to end you, if not you could've broken free from shackles."

"Tch. Are you done trying to sow discord? If you are, get to the point. What do you need?" Wanderer's hostility was laced in every word he spoke.

"Hmph. Before that, might I request we take this conversation somewhere private?"

"Tch. Whatever. Lead the way." The two made their way out of the house and I was going to follow too.

"Young lady/man, this is a discussion between Harbingers. You are not welcomed."

"Ah. Ok sorry.." I went back into the house and closed the door. Unsurprisingly, my mother is clueless about the commotion.

That man is bad news. What does he want from Wanderer? He might be in danger. I watched the two leave Sumeru city through my windows before hopping out of it and following them.

They walked in silence and Wanderer cautiously followed behind. They stopped a little away from the path and basically had no cover for eavesdroppers albeit a tree and a bush.

"Now speak Dottore, what do you want?"

"The delusion components that's built-in you."

"! You could've just retrieved those from other delusions, not to mention make them. You're not after those components, you're after me."

"Clever.. but remember what I added to your composition if you do not comply?"

"I'd rather die than go through with another one of your experiments." As soon as Wanderer finished his sentence, the man he calls Dottore laughed menacingly.

"I've got eyes on that young lady/man you spend your time with."

"Tsk. What about them?" Wanderer was unfazed. Dottore leaned in close to his ear and whispered a few words. "What did you do to their sister!?" My sister?

"I merely offered her a collaboration, and then there were some accidents in the process that.. led to her final breaths." Final breaths...? No... I was overwhelmed with grief and I couldn't help but stay and listen as my eyes watered.

"Haha.. so you knew since I entered their house. I'm surprised you're still able to do so much with just yourself. And now I know why you want me. You want to recreate them."

"How clever you are. Give yourself in and I'll spare her."

"..." Wanderer Looked over towards Sumeru City which is also when he spotted me in the bushes. "Y/n behind you!" I turned around with watery eyes and noticed a figure but before I could react, black overtook my senses.

Wanderer's POV

"Y/n!" I rushed over as the Fatui Agent went invisible.

"I did say I have eyes on them." The Doctor said with a grin on his face. I lifted Y/n into my arms as I felt their head. Y/n's head was bleeding.

"So you knew they've been hiding here this whole time and only decided to knock them out now? You're a monster."

"You're more of a monster than I. At least I'm human unlike you. So what's it gonna be? Give yourself in and let them live, or they die and I will take you by force."

I know I can beat his Fatui underlings and he knew too. So taking me by force would be near impossible, but how could I let Y/n die in this manner? Lumine would kill me, who knows what Nahida would do. And then there's Nilou. There's only one option to choose.

"I'll give myself in." I held Y/n close, feeling guilty for dragging them into this mess.

"Wise choice."

"Just give me a few days. I just.. want to make sure they're ok." I half lied.

"Whatever, you know where I'll be. But remember, I still have eyes on you and them, so don't try anything. If I don't see you within 7 days, a concussion is not the only thing she would get." Dottore... you scumbag!

I picked Y/n up as they lie lifeless in my arms and flew, using my anemo powers, towards their house. "Wanderer? Y/n?" I heard someone say but I didn't stop.

I burst through the front door which surprisingly was not locked, and carefully lay Y/n on the sofa in the living room as I held their head in my hand.

"Y/n, you better hang in there," I muttered as I tried ripping part of my sleeves while still lifting their bleeding head.



Hehehe cliff hanger ish, welp gonna post another soon. Hope your rolls are going well! Cya!

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