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Killian POV

Zahra smiles weakly as Jas, Paris and Alex step inside. Paris pulls a chair up to the side of my bed and takes a hold of her hand. Alex moves forward and sits at the edge of the bed.

"Hey Z, how are you feeling?"

"Like I got shot."

"You were in and out of consciousness for a week, you idiot." Jas states as she plops on the other side of the bed next to me, resting her legs on Paris' lap.

"I'm okay, you guys." I say reassuringly.

The doctor enters the room with a nurse tagging closely behind both mumbling greetings before pulling out the cart they brought. Zahra has a panicked look on her face and I resist the urge to laugh.

"No, no more needles!"

The nurse ignores her protests, getting the needle ready instead. The doctor just looks at the two amused.

"Can't I get pills instead?"

"It's for your own good, Ms. Pierce." The nurse says, waiting patiently for Zahra to give her her arm. "The medicine gets into your system quicker through your veins with this."

Zahra yelps as the nurse bandages her arm. I chuckle lowly, earning a glare from my girlfriend. "When can I go home?"

"Well, we're gonna run a few more tests first and if you're in the clear, you should be able to go home in the next few days." The doctor replies before walking out with the nurse.

"Alex, could you please Tate and the team come here?"

"I don't think you should be working."

"You'd think a bullet lodged in her body and a near death experience would make her take a break off work but no." Jas laughs, standing up. "Okay, we're gonna grab a coffee and come back. Let's go guys."

They all walk out leaving Zahra and I.

"Are you mad at me?" She asks

"Do you want me to be mad at you?"

"No." She replies, smiling and I could have sworn I saw a smirk. "You must have been worried sick after I nearly di—" I wince, bracing myself for her next words. "I'm sure someone told you what happened."

"Yeah, apparently my girlfriend meddled with an on-going federal investigation."

"That's a bit exaggerated." She argues.

"Baby, I'm worried about you." I reply, holding her hand in mine. "I don't know the full story behind what's happened with your brother, but I want you to know I am here for you. We can talk whenever you're ready...I don't mind. Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I'm scared." She whispers, her voice barely audible.

I bring her hand to my lips."You're the strongest woman I know."

"You think so?"

I nod, reaching for my pocket and pull out a small box before handing it to to her. She opens the little velvet box, revealing the Cartier ring I gave her in Madrid.

She gasps before gracing me with a smile. It's a tired smile, sure, but it still the same smile I fell in love with. It's been a while since I last saw her smiling and I didn't think I'd be seeing it soon, especially with everything that's happening.

"I love you." She whispers as I slip the ring b ack on her finger.

"I love you more."

<<·>> <<·>> <<·>>

Zahra POV

"Most of the damage is here, in the US but Europe will be next if we don't act soon." Navid states, clutching his phone in frustration. "We need to figure out what to tell the media and everyone else."

"Some pages are already milking the story." Ashley sighs.

"Finance is already predicting a stock drop too...let's just hope it's not too bad."

"How bad are the losses?" I ask.

"Close to $5.7 million." Priya shifts through some papers before looking back up. "This is not as bad as we expected so we should be alright. Simple damage control."

I sigh exasperatedly, shutting my laptop close and take a sip of the Acai the girls sneaking in for me as I stare at the people in my hospital room. It's been a while since I last saw most of them and I'd hoped it'd be over dinner, not this bloody mess.

"What about the board?"

"We will handle it, but you, my dear, have to rest." Tate reassures.

"Yes...I understand but...Mr. Mizuki, we're in a very important meeting." Alex whispers on the phone. I frown, giving him a questioning look. There's a short pause before Alex hands me the phone.

"Hello Nick, it's a pleasure to hear from you again."

"Do you even have the slightest idea of the amount of money you just cost me!" Nick yells on the other line.

"I do."

"The press, hell, the whole fucking internet! You're making headlines and it's not the good kind. This is a public relations nightmare!"

"Please calm down, Nick. I am fixing this."

"I'll be waiting." he says and hangs up.

<<·>> <<·>> <<·>>

Few weeks later...

Killian drives through the streets of Monte Carlo, one hand on the steering wheel, the other holding mine in a tight grip although he does let go every once in a while to change gears. I tried to move my hand but he just reached for it no matter how many times I tried. I keep my eyes forward as we begin to slow down and the car comes to a stop.

Killian steps out and rounds the car, helping me out before shutting the door. We walk up to the front of the house the house and he fumbles with unlocking the door.

The doors open and he ushers me in. I'm greeted by an expansive entryway, white and pale blue walls and a direct view of the back of the house, and the coast. I smile at the decorations and various picture frames hanging on the walls. He even got plants!

We aren't supposed to move here until a few months from now but judging by the work he's done, we might as well stay. I step into the hallway and gasp at the sight.

"Do we have to go back?" I mumble, wiping a stray tear.

"We won't step foot in Miami unless you want to."

"Shall we christen the house then?"

Killian's jaw drops. "Zahra Iman Ferreira!"

"Technically, I won't be a Ferreira until next week." I laugh.

"You were a Ferreira the second my eyes landed on you." He snorts.

Every day I think Killian can't be anymore perfect, he just proves me wrong. He has me in a choke hold, I'm like a sailor drawn to the mystifying lullabies of a siren.

That kind of love Hozier always sings of? I understand now.

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