Twenty Three | Vendetta

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Killian POV

We literally got here like ten minutes ago and you're leaving already?" I pout as I watch Zahra get ready.

"I have a meeting and you have athlete things to do."

I laugh. "Athlete things?

"Yes, athlete things. Besides, I'll see you tomorrow."

"It's not soon enough."

"I know."

She proceeds to fetch her phone from where she tossed it on the bed before racing toward the living room of the suite, with me tagging closely behind. As if on cue, Marcus stands and motions for them to leave.

Zahra walks over to Vienna, my stylist and best friend, hugging her before strolling over and pulling me into a kiss. I smile into the kiss but sadly, she pulls back and turns on her heel before walking out the door.

"She's way out of your league." Vienna smirks, handing me a jar of Nutella and a spoon.

"O ye of little faith."

There's a knock on the door rings and she rushes to go open. Seconds later, footsteps make their way into the kitchen. I look up to see Robyn, my manager and José, my physiotherapist, walking into the kitchen and sitting around the table.

José places a container with a weird green drink in front of me and snatches the Nutella jar from my hands, letting out a sigh. "They could ban these everywhere and you'd still find a way to get your hands on them.''

"It's better than this weird thing you brought me."

"It's a matcha smoothie."

I groan, averting my gaze to the rest of the group. Robyn is busy with his toast and scrambled eggs while Vienna munches on an apple. "What are we doing today? Apart from the interviews?"

"The shoot with Men's Health is in an hour and a half, then you're doing the interviews and a few appearances." Robyn replies.

"When do we have to fly back?"

"Well, since you're only here for your checkup...tonight."

<<·>> <<·>> <<·>>

Zahra POV

Just like Irwin had predicted, his contact agreed to meet up with me. We're supposed to meet at an undisclosed location but he's not showing up to the known location to take me to the disclosed one so I told Marcus to turn back.

As he tries to switch lanes, a car collides with my side, forcing me to hit my head on the window. Out of nowhere, another car drives past us, stopping right in front of us and blocking the way. The car door is opened and a man enters, shutting the door before turning to face me.

"I was told you needed help."

"I'm not sure I need it anymore after this." I hiss, rubbing my forehead in pain.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Limadha la yati rayiysuk binfasah?" (Why couldn't your boss come himself?)

"What makes you think I'm not the boss?"

I reach for a file in my bag and hand it to him. "I was assured that your boss finds people that do not want to be found. Can I count on him to deliver?"

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