Photograph ~Bri

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(Please read authors note at the end. FIRST ONE SHOT WOOH!)
"C'mon Lukey we're gonna be late!" I was being dragged along the side walk of my street towards a house that I knew all to well by a jade eyed boy.
"W-where are we going!?" All of a sudden he stopped right in front of a giant tree causing me to walk into his back. He Stared up at it as if it were some glorious pokemon he'd never seen before.

"It's perfect." My best friend whispered under his breath.
He slowly let go of my hand a climbed up the tree only turning around once to signal me to follow him, and I followed in his footsteps. Our stubby little legs only being able to carry us so far it took us a while to get to the top. The boy lacking a number a teeth scooted over on a branch and patted the spot next to him while digging through his red Pokemon backpack.

"What are we doing up here?" I asked only to be shushed by a finger at my lips and another one pointing at the sky. As if on cue bright lights shot up into the dark sky illuminating it with numerous colors and patterns causing little 'oohs' and 'ahs' to erupt from both our mouths.

"The blue ones are pretty Lukey, just like your eyes." He said leaning over and rapping his tiny arms tightly around me while staring into my eyes.

"Michael, honey it's time to go! Tell your friend goodbye!" A voice interrupted us from our stare down at each other. A tiny huff came out of the older boys mouth followed by him mumbling something.

"Lukey, say cheese I want us to remember this." The boy said quickly while I was looking at the lamp post that said sixth street on it. As soon as I looked back up there were two clicks and a bright flash. It took me a while to realize that the boys lips were on my cheek while the picture was being taken, and as soon as the pictures developed he pulled away.Leaving me pink and astonished.

" I really like you Lukey." He said in a low voice. "And, I want you to remember us being best friends forever. We can make memories for ourselves. Keep it in your pocket so you'll never loose it." The dirty blonde said handing me one of the pictures.

"Now we have the same picture so everything we feel sad we can look at it and be reminded of our best friend-"

"C'mon Michael! I told you we were leaving a while ago. The truck is already packed up." The lady said dragging him away leaving me dazed and confused on where he was going. He lived right next to my house why would he have to say good bye. My eight year old mind couldn't process what was happening so quickly.

"Please don't forget me. Remember we're best friends Lukey. Wait for me to come home."

"Okay, Mikey." I didn't know that would be the last I'd ever here from him. Well until now.


"Luke get up your gonna be late!" My mothers voice echoed through the thin walls of the house. I groaned while rolling out of the bed. I didn't get any sleep last night due to our new neighbors moving in. who the hell moves in a house in the middle of the night?!
As I shimmied into my skinny jeans I noticed the house next to us had a teenage boy. I kind of figured due to the amount of band posters and the color of the room I could see through my window. Not wanting be late I grabbed my phone and the picture stealing one last glance at at the photo and slipping both items inside the pocket of my ripped jeans. For some reason I felt alone without it. It's been ten years since my best friend left me, and I still can't forget him. I ran down the stairs almost falling multiple times while trying to put my shoes on.

"By mom!" I yelled running out of the door making my way to school
All day people had been whispering about a new kid which I had yet to see, and it was almost the end of the day. Maybe it was my new neighbor. My last class of the day had already started when the door creaked open revealing a boy with blue hair and the most beautiful green eyes. Why would he show up so late to class? There is only like 5 minutes left.

"Ah, you must be Michael Clifford. Please take a seat by Luke." Mr. Jenkins said pointing over to me. Why did that kid's name sound so familiar? I redirected my attention back to the book we were reading. It was about some random guy that lost the love of his life when he was younger, and was now searching for him. Kind of like my situation.

"Mr. Hemmings could you please read the last part of the chapter." I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by my teachers annoying voice.

"We keep this love in a photograph. We made these memories for ourselves. Where our eyes are never closing, and hearts are never broken, and times forever frozen still." I could feel a pair of eyes drilling at the side of my head. Why was he staring at me? "You won't ever be alone, so please wait for me to come home." Why does this sound so familiar.

When the bell the bell finally rang, and I was walking out of the school. It hit me like a bus of emotions. Michael Clifford was Mikey. My best friend, my first crush, the boy I told all my secrets to. He was back. I couldn't believe it. I raced home ready to confront him.

"Hi honey how wa-" I cut my mom off when I was upstairs in my room the my doors slammed shut. I didn't realize I was pacing around until I looked out the window to see him staring at me. The boy from my flashbacks. He boy of my dreams. He was back home.
Without thinking I leaped out of my window onto the ledge of his. Thank god for my freakishly long legs because it was a long way down to the ground. He was still standing there with his eyes wide and mouth slightly parted as if he was frozen still.

I pointed down to the lock on his window with one hand making sure I wouldn't fall while asking could I come in. He hesitated for a moment, but finally opened it. I quickly slipped into his room not wanting to fall to my death, and has soon has I did I picked him up and gave him a huge hug possibly squeezing all the air out of him, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was he was back.It seemed as if all our emotions were pouring out of our mouths even though we couldn't even here each other. I sat down on his be sitting with my legs folded beneath me while he sat on my lap facing me with his legs rapped around my waist. We just sat there staring into each others eyes. Both of our faces were tear stained, but they weren't sad tears; they were tears of joy. We found each other. After all these years.

"I-I waited. I waited for you Mikey, and you finally came home." I rasped out after a while of silence pulling him closer if that was even possible.

"Luke?" He said. His eyes were looking down at the two identical photos sitting in between us.


"Can I kiss you?" I only hummed in response as our lips collided fitting perfectly together. It was like we were made for each other. I just wanted to stay like this

"I still remember how you kissed me under the big tree back on sixth street. Then calling out for me to wait for you to come home. Now your home, and I'm never letting you go."

*walks onto stage while red and blue fire works explode in the sky*
HEY GUYS! So I was just doing a little experiment on my writing. I have never written a flashback before so I'm sorry if it's crappy. I used to own another one-shot account with a friend until we stopped talking to each other, and I was the one known for writing the super sad and sappy one shots. I just want you to tell me what you'd like to see from me and my writing. feel free to leave comments, suggestions, and questions.
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