Our Silence ~K

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"We're waiting on a heartbeat
Is anybody listening?
We're waiting on a heartbeat
Can anybody hear me?"

Sorry for the mistakes

Michael's POV

"Hey, Mikey." Calum greeted as he walked up to my locker.

I smiled and waved in response before slamming the door shut.

Calum was the only one that didn't seem to be bothered by my lack of speech. Mostly because he understands why I've refused to talk a lot. The things I've had to go through has sealed my lips for the better.

I just figured that if I never say anything, no one can know me and no one can break my heart when they leave. The things I've said has forced people out of my life so I'm going I be sure that never happens again. So I only talk to Calum, because at least I know he won't leave.

"Did you happen to finish the physics homework because-." The tan boy began before I cut him off by waving the paper in front of his face. His chocolate eyes lit up as he took it from my hands. "You're the best Mikey, you know that? Like you're truly the most amazing-...OW!"

I grinned as I cut him off again by punching his arm. Calum grumbled as we started off down the hallway, rubbing his arm in the process.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't hit you that hard." I huffed to him. A small smile appeared on Calum's lips. He was happy whenever I did decide to talk because that meant I was in a good mood.

The thing about Calum was he never questioned me or turned his back because of my decisions. It was great to know I had an anchor in my life.

But he never stopped being an annoying best friend, unfortunately.

"Psst, hottie 3 o'clock." He nudged me with his elbow and flicked his head down the hallway.

My eyes trailed over to where he said, finding possibly the most attractive boy on the planet; Luke Hemmings.

You see, I may or may not have developed a huge crush on him. I mean, who wouldn't?

His eyes alone made the clearest of skies jealous. Dirty blonde hair was always brushed in perfection. And his arms--God, his arms--were painted with a variety of colorful tattoos. Not to mention he always wore shirts with my favorite bands on them, and that's when I knew I wanted everything to do with him.

But my past has forced me to become such an awkward freak. Plus, there was no one on earth good enough for Luke, so I shouldn't get my hopes up.

Yet there I was, drooling over the guy while Calum giggled next to me.

That's when the impossible happened.

Luke looked over at me.

His breathtaking gaze met mine, and if it was possible, I would be a puddle right now. Hours seemed to pass by even though it only took a few seconds for his eyes to travel up and down my body. A smirk formed on his pierced lips before returning his attention back to his friends.

"Holy shit." Calum spluttered as we walked past the young God. "Luke just freaking checked you out."

Calum was squealing at this point and had already named five of Luke and I's children by the time we reached our class. But I wasn't paying attention to him for once. My mind was racing along with my heart.

Even if nothing ever happened to me again, that small moment was enough to make my entire life worth it.

It also gave me enough energy to make it through our boring history class and into the dreamland of Luke.

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