Castle ~K

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Slay me Lucas

"Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised."


If the world was a kingdom, Luke Hemmings would be it's king.

The blonde superstar was the most desired across the globe. His smile could send the strongest of hearts sinking to their knees. His eyes were as wild as a snow storm, breathtaking to anyone who caught a glimpse of the crystal irises. His voice alone was enough to have the entire human population in the palm of his hand. He dominated stages as a solo artist; world tours every year while being the main act at the biggest music award shows.

Luke had been set on the highest point of cloud nine and he wasn't planning on coming down anytime soon. From the time he was signed, Luke has been told he was perfect, flawless in every way imaginable. It was one of the worse kind of addictions to have someone hooked on, and there didn't seem to be a cure.

Luke thought he would never get tired of it. He loved his incredible fan base and the thrill of being on stage. Above all, he loved the music most.

But soon the adoring screams were painful. The mobs of people that followed him everywhere were suffocating. He felt trapped in his perfect world. Trapped and empty. Luke was surrounded by people that would sell their soul to talk to him, yet he's never felt so alone.

It was nearing midnight in the city of New York, and the celebrity couldn't seem to sleep. His eyes were glued to the ceiling instead of his eye lids. His brain was still buzzing from the show he played just hours before. Luke never over analyzed himself because he thought he was perfect, but now doubts flooded his dreams. For the first time, he felt insecure about himself. He didn't know how to make the feeling go away.

He had no one.

Luke gave up battling sleep and slipped out from beneath his sheets. He tugged on a pair of his black skinny jeans and a sweatshirt. Using the hood to cover most of his face, the blonde snuck out of his hotel room and into the city that never sleeps. He remembered the first time he ever set foot into time square. The endless, glittering lights had amazed him. He thought he would never see anything more beautiful as the colors danced off of his exhilarated features.

But now everything was dull; black and white instead of the infinite rainbow. He desperately wanted to be awestruck by something. It seemed so impossible to dazzle a boy who's seen everything.

Luke shoved his hands in his pockets to keep them from freezing. His head remained face down so he wouldn't make eye contact with anyone. It's been a long time since he's walked around without some type of security. To say he was a bit jumpy would be an understatement. Every loud shout or honk of horn made him flinch slightly.

When he turned a corner, Luke ran head first into someone else. His forehead slammed against what felt like a chin. A groan quickly fell from the stranger's lips as well as his own. "Watch where you're going, will ya?" A velvet voice grumbled.

Luke snapped his head up, not quite in the mood for someone to tell him off when it wasn't his fault. "Excuse you, but-" The blonde stopped mid sentence, cut off by the sight of the boy that stood in front of him.

He had fiery red hair, and sparkling emerald eyes. The colors seemed to pop against his pale complexion. Every feature on his face was perfectly sculpted, especially the beautiful shape of his red lips. Luke had seen his fair share of models and "perfect" celebrities, but this boy left their impossible standards in the dust.

"Holy shit." Luke accidentally said out loud, his jaw hanging open slightly.

The stranger rolled his brilliant eyes and pushed past Luke. The blonde remained in wonderland for a few moments. He didn't understand why the boy was so captivating. Though, He knew he wanted to stare at him for the rest of his a non creepy way.

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