Chapter 22

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First Pov

Diamonte Wills

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Diamonte Wills

"Damn D I haven't seen you this fucked up since Diana's death what happened?" Rico asked flopping on the outside couches

"Brianna mane." I admitted shaking my head taking a pull from my blunt.

"Wait why?" He asked confused and so did the other guys as they walked in the backyard as well.

"She asked me to take the kids to her earlier like around 1 and I ain't mind you know so I take em ova dere or whatever but she told me she staying at Margie house and sometimes switches houses to Oscars, na I ain't trynna be on some stalker shi but she left with that nigga Tyler in a Blue Lamborghini at the party and in his drive way was the exact same car."

"I know we all saw how buddy buddy they was I just ain't say nun cause I'm trynna respect ha space and not assume because she hates that but everything is so obvious my nigga." I ranted taking three more pulls before I passed it to Rico and taking a sip of my Hennessy bottle.

"I ain't trynna add on the pain but I had to drop KaNiyah off at that house a couple of days ago because Dalila was over there and I guess they was having a little sleepover or whatever and Brianna seems happy asf." Dante said just adding onto the pain.

"Nigga I'm ha husband tho like all the times I cheated we was boyfriend and girlfriend not saying it's right because of that but if she wanted to cheat and hurt a nigga she could've done that while we wasn't married like now it hurts more because we is married." I sighed just replaying the moment in my head over and over.

"Hold up." I said seeing Damani was calling me.

"Wassup Son?"

"Can you come get me?"


"I don't wanna be here no more."

"Something happened?"

"Dad just come get me please."

"Aight I'm on my way."

"Damani wants to leave let's go." I said grabbing my keys as they followed behind me and we got in the Escalade.

"Why he wanna leave?" I asked Brianna as she stood outside.

"I don't know we were watching a movie and then he told me he called you to come get him and I asked why and he said I was weird and I told him like obviously he can't talk to me like that and he started going off on me like a hoe on the streets." Brianna explained and I could tell she felt disrespected but it seemed like she changed like she didn't even have a care in the world of what Damani told her because she would've acted a whole different way.

"We need to talk." She just rolled her eyes waving me off.

"Aye, yo mama house by 9:00pm." I said pulling her to me so she understood I wasn't finna play with ha dumbass attitude.

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