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Third Pov

2 years later
"I wanna thank everyone for coming to my grand opening for my dance studio "Strut ya stuff(Brianna's dance studio)" I appreciate every last one of you I couldn't have done it without my family especially my husband I love you all and thank you!" Brianna put the microphone down and cut the red bow.

Everyone started clapping and Diamonte grabbed her and kissed her passionately.

"I'm so proud of you Brianna fr I never wanted you to stop dancing kids or not that's yo passion and yo dream if you ain't have a singing career you still had dancing."

"I'm so proud of you fr." He smiled and kissed her again than hugged her tightly.

"Thank you handsome." She kissed him back and walked them into the studio.

"I think I'm retire from music and just chill with you and the kids I wanna watch my babies grow up plus I still have the dance studio." She explained and he just rubbed his goatee.

"That's a good idea but you know what else a good idea??" He asked smiling she just raised her eyebrow.

"A retwist." He smiled.

She mugged him and hit him.

The family was having a nice barbecue just to relax and chill together.

"Okay Okay who's this nice young lady?" Jayden asked Austin when he walked in with a girl.

Austin smiled and winked making Jayden dap him up.

"Mama this is my girlfriend Justice and Justice this is my mama." Austin introduced them and they hugged.

"I don't play about my baby Justice I fight kids but you are a very pretty young lady." She smiled and Justice backed up slowly and laughed nervously.

Austin smiled and grabbed Justice's hand and took her to his dad.

"She's cute and blackkkkk." Mrs. James said making all the moms laugh.

"Everyone family pictures!" Brianna yelled.

Austin,and DaShawn gathered together and took a picture.

As of everyone else with the rest of their families.

Brianna looked at the picture and look up in the sky and smiled.

"I really do miss you my babies all of you" she smiled and tears started pouring down her face.

Diamonte hugged Brianna from behind and wiped her tears.

"It's okay Bri, it's okay. We gon see them one day trust me. I got kids and my brother and sister I'm anxious too but as of rn let's enjoy our time on earth with the people we do have, alright?" Brianna nodded her head and wiped her tears.

"Ballon release time!" Diamonte shouted and everyone grabbed a white or blue ballon.

"To my music career and fans for supporting me and letting me express myself on a platform especially for others to relate and listen and just heal like I did. I'll miss making music but as of rn I'm retire from it and watch my kids grow up and enjoy life. TO MY MUSIC CAREER!" Everyone let the balloons go.

"Now" she sighed "To all the ones our family lost cause at the end of the day we gain a new angel to watch over our family. We have so many watching over us and giving us advice. I thank all of ourselves but mainly the Lord Jesus God Almighty for shedding light on our lives, even through the bad you were there helping and guiding us we may have ignored or didn't listen but you always still stayed and let us know your gonna forever be there with us even if we didn't listen. Lord I just wanna thank you for giving us angels you knew were gonna be there and watch over us. Angels that their death may have affected us when they left earth but made life better when they reached heaven. I see my beautiful grandpa and kids shining on me every day which gives me strength to keep going and pushing. I just wanna say thank you Lord. You showed me the way and the path to a heavenly life and a God fearing life. I'm a God fearing child Lord. In your name I pray, Amen." Everyone repeated the last two sentences and everyone cried and hugged each other before letting the candle lights go.

"We gon be alright y'all!" Diamonte shouted and started playing Melodie's from Heaven

"Thank y'all for the ride and journey y'all had me go through it's been hell a ride that's fa sure but the people and things made it special somehow someway so thank y'all seriously!!!!" Brianna shouted into the mic making everyone cheer.

The end.

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