Chapter 7 - Emily Being Nice

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Edited 10/7/15

Riley's P.O.V.

I get up and realize its only 6 am, I still have a hour before I actually have to get up, but I couldn't fall asleep either. All night i couldn't stop thinking about James. He's cute and all but i know he'll never like a girl like me since there are so many hot, pretty girls all over him already. He probably doesn't even like me since he's with all the popular kids and they probably talk shit about me ALL THE TIME. But I can't deny the fact that I might have a little crush on James, but its just a little crush, nothing else, but i just can't help it. Why does he have to be so darn cute?

After spending a whole hour thinking about James I finally get up and get ready for the day and make my way to school. As soon as I'm about to cross the road a black truck pulls up and I realize that it's James.

James: "Hey, you need a ride?"

Riley: "Oh its okay, school isn't that far."

Just as I'm about to walk away he calls me again.

James: "Come on Riley, we're going to the same place."

I decide to take to his offer, mostly because I don't really feel like walking.

James: "So... how's life?"

I could tell he was just trying to get me to talk.

Riley: "Fine, I guess. Nothing really new. How about yours?"

James: "Pretty good actually."

After that we don't say a word to one another until we reach school.

Riley: "Thanks... For the ride."

James: "No problem."

I walk towards my locker to grab my books and see Emily walking towards me with Stephanie.

Emily: "Hey Riley," she seemed pretty excited to see me, which was really unlike her, "so I guess you're moving in tonight?"

Riley: "Yeah, I am, But why are so happy, I thought you'd be pretty mad having me stay in your house."

Emily: "Oh of course not, since we are going to be sisters we should really stop hating each other and since you finally got some fashion sense in you, it really won't be hard."

I give her a fake smile and walk away. There is no way Emily would ever stop hating me. Plus, all this being nice drama is probably apart of some plan of her's to humiliate me. She never leaves the chance to embarrass me and I'm not falling for what ever she's planning.

Emily's P.O.V

Stephanie: "So why exactly are you being so nice to her all of a sudden?"

Emily: "Oh, you'll find out very soon.."

Jiley: Something about herWhere stories live. Discover now