Chapter 32 : Pregnant

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Warning: unedited


"I love you too James", we finally confessed our love for each other. But there's something else I've got to tell him. "James... There's something you should know", a confuse look appears on his face as he wait for me to tell him.

"I'm pregnant


Riley's P.O.V.

"... And it's yours"

Looking directly in his eyes was the most hardest thing to do at the moment. I didn't know what he was thinking. All I saw was a very shocked but confused look on his face.
He pulled away from me and looked away. I don't know if I just ruined my chances with being with him, but this needed to be told.

"Look James. I- I know". "Don't. Don't say anything Riley". Was he mad. God. Please don't tell me he's mad.

"I'm so sorry Riley", my head jerked up as soon as he said that. What did he mean? Was he going to leave me? Does he feel pity on me because he's going to leave me since now I'm pregnant?

He took my hands in his and turn around so that he was facing directly at me again.

"You should have told me. I can't believe you were doing this all on your own. I'm such an idiot".

"No your not. I guess- I guess I was scared... Scared that if I told you, you would hate me for giving you a responsibility like this. I felt like it was all my fault".

"Are you crazy? I'm the one is to blame for this. I got so caught up in the moment that I forgot to use protection. But that doesn't matter anymore. I'm here now and I'm not leaving you or our child".


"Seriously", I pull him in for a hug and we stay like that for a few minutes, just enjoying the moment.

I'm so happy he wasn't going to leave me or should I say us.

"I want you to come back".


"Yes Riley, I want you to come back home. You don't need to hide. No one will judge you. We could even move in together". All this sounded wonderful. Everything that I'd ever dreamed of. But... "I can't", I whisper with my eyes looking down.


"My mom would never allow me to go back. She doesn't even what me to keep the baby. She doesn't even know your the father, only Emily does. And if she finds out your the one that got me pregnant, she'll make your life miserable. I don't what to ruin your future James".

"And I don't what to ruin yours Ri. We will both get through this together, I promise. I'll never leave your side, ever. I'm taking you and our child with me, no matter what. Nothing's going to stop me. And that's a promise.

Small chapter. I know, I'm really sorry. I had 3 tests yesterday so I was studying the past few days and didn't have time to update. But here's the next chapter. It's a bit boring, but it's leading to the final chapter.

Sadly there's only one more chapter left. 




Love y'all

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