The marsh

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"So, what adventure am I in for JB" Clara asked her ex best friend.

"Bro you told her I mean about the Grady White", JJ started but was interrupted by Kiara.

"What you told her - she isn't one of us - she is NOT a Pogue!"

Wow chill out - Look, I'm callin' it off anyway. All right" JB answered.

"Wait you guys found Scooters boat - the one my mom and all the other cops are looking for?" Clara questioned confused.

"Yeah we did and there is for sure something valuable down there. Wait wait wait your the daughter of a cop?" JJ asked looking at her wide eyed.

Clara rolled her eyes at the blond boy.

"Yeah I am and?"

"Nothing. Nothing. So, John B we are going down to the boat get the valuable stuff and boom we are rich."

"No like I already said I won't go back. Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she will help me with DCS", John B explained.

"And you believe her", JJ asked in disbelieve.

"Yes I believe her JJ."

"An actual cop, John B. You believe a cop."

"Hey what are you saying dude. My mom is not a liar!" Clara defended her mother.

"Look all I got to do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days, and she will help me out. I know she will i trust her. Plus it didn't help that your ass was the one shooting the gun"

"What now you not only believe but also trust a cop - wow. And you know what I should have done? Just let Topper drown your ass."

"Yeah because Topper would have downed me..."

"Sure looked like it"


"Have you looked in the mirror?"

"Tell me some more. Come on."

"They always win, don't they, man? Kooks versus Pogues. They always always win! Goddamn!"

"Look it's okay." Kie tried to calm JJ down. But her attempt failed terrible.

"No, it's not okay! It is not! They don't want us to go down into the marsh. That means there is something valuable down there, and you know it. I know you do. And I understand why you don't want to go", JJ said pointing at Pope. "You're the golden boy. You got way too much to risk. And YOU I mean you're already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?" He explained further and his eyes rested on Kie, who looked very pissed. "But you and me, man, we got nothin' to lose! WE really don't, all right."


"And I know it didn't used to be that way for you."

"I don't want talk about this. I don't want to talk about it."

"So that's it", JJ asked his best friend.

"Just get out of my way, bro"

"Boys calm down. Never thought I say that, but I think my mom's right. They found Scooters lifeless body there. Whatever you think is on his boat it for sure can't be that important to risk your life for it."

"I was sure you would say that I mean daughter of a cop what did I expect. You most probably never done anything fun in your whole life. Should I call you holy mary?" JJ said with a provocative grin.

"Shut up JJ! I was just tryin' to help JB not like you get him into trouble!"

"Everything will be alright! John B listen to me. I have a plan. You got the keys to Cameron's big boat, right. There's scuba gear."

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