A Kook in the Pogue group

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In the morning after breakfast with the Camerons Clara went back home. She hadn't slept a second. Overthinking her whole life. 

When Clara got home her mom was sitting on the sofa with her arms crossed in front of her chest. 

"Uh, there she is finally. You can't just text me you're staying over at Sarah's! Also were you two out partying at the beach yesterday, huh?" 

"Mom no of course not. I wasn't at the beach! I mean at least not yesterday"

"And now you are lying! Lying me straight in my face! Rafe told me."

What a snitch! Clara thought to herself. Hating Rafe for telling her mum. It wasn't in the slightest his business and she didn't know why he had to interfere.

"He also said you were flirting with a Pogue. Baby, don't you understand that I have tried everything so you have a great life. But you are ruining it by hanging out with those kids.

"Mom just chill out it's not like I always hang out with them. It's not my fault they were there too. Also I don't get it. You weren't against it some time ago when John B and I were friends!"

"Sweetie listen to me I just want you to be save and in good hands. On this party yesterday there was a friend of John B and he had a gun. They aren't the right group of people for you, okay? Just promise me that in the future you will stay away from them. I know this might be hard, because John B used to be your friend, but he has changed since his dad disappeared. And Clara I am serious you have to promise me to stay away from all of the Pogues!"

"Okaayyy mom I will."

"Thanks sweetie now I am relieved."

She came over to Clara kissing her on the cheek and telling her she had to go to work now.


When she was gone Clara directly went into the garage to her motorcycle. She started it and drove away. Her destination was John B's home. She just needed to know if he really was alright.

As soon as Clara arrived she saw her moms car and hid her motorcycle in the bushes. And slowly went to a window of John B's hut.

Clara heard her mom talk so she listened up.

"I'm gonna look the other way, as long as you stay out of the marsh and away from my daughter."

She did not just say that! Clara thought angry at her mother for making her desicions.

"Also I got dogs livin' better than this, John B. You might wanna think about cleanin' up."

And with that their conversation was over and Sheriff Peterkin left the hut and drove away.

Clara climbed through the opened window. There she was ready to face her old best friend.

"What the hell! Clara, really? You won't believe who was here a second before you came - your mom and she told me to stay the hell away from you! Anyway aren't you on the wrong side of the island right now? Best thing would be if you get back to Figure Eight..."

That was all she got from her used-to-best-friend - wow - but honestly what was she even thinking? John B must be soo mad at her. Of course Clara hasn't visited him at all since she moved and then she just showed up out of nowhere...

"Hi JB I am happy to see you too."

"What do you even want Clara?"

"I came to check on you..."

"Check on me - let's say a bit late. But better then never right," he said and gave her a pissed look.

"JB I am sorry, okayy."

"Sorry for what Clara? For leaving for good or for not telling me? But you know what I don't care. I got other people, who really have my back! So why are you even here?"


"Oh no no no no. I know it! Kook's life is too boring, right? So you came here for a little adventure. Good, you can have that. Let's do it, but afterwards you go back to Figure Eight. And you stay away from me for life!"

"John B. You can't be serious..."

"I am deadly. You will only bring trouble in my life and I would have to pay the price. I mean when your mother knew you are here - alone that would get me in trouble. Bigger trouble than my own. So you're either here for our last little adventure or you leave right now!"

"What if I don't leave...", Clara challenged him even through his words already hurt her enough and she didn't really wanted to hear another mean word out of his mouth.

"Then I call your mom to come and get you! You pick", he said and stared at Clara with an angry look on his face.

 "Then I am here for our last little adventure", Clara said while only one tear made its way down her cheek.

John B saw the tear and Clara could see in his eyes that he regretted saying those things at least a bit and he came towards her for a hug. They stayed in this hug, which they both needed, for what felt like ages.

Then their moment was ruined by 3 Pogues that came into JB's hut.

"There you are John B and whose that? Wow", JJ the boy from the beach party said. In thoughts Clara wondered if he remembered her at all.

"John B - you are unbelievable after everything that went done yesterday you still found a girl to hook up with...", the brown haired girl commented.

"This is how you do it", JJ said impressed.

"Omg Kie - What are you thinking? Kie, Pope, JJ that's Clara - an old acquaintance of mine."

"Nice to meet you Kie and Pope", I said then Clara's glance fell on JJ. He came closer and took Clara's hand and winked at her. Then he kissed her hand.

"It's always nice to meet you, Clara"

"Yeah, same", she said not impressed by his gentlemanlike behaviour.

"Wait you know each other", John B asked sceptical and very confused. In his head the weirdest theories building up on why JJ would know Clara. Of course the thought that JJ hooked up with her came to his mind. It would fit to their behaviour John B noticed.  

"Met yesterday night at the beach - I mean before that shit with the gun and Topper", Clara explained proving John B's thoughts to be wrong. 

Great, was the last thing John B had to say to that topic. 

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