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A little while later, to the surprise of his friends, John B picked up everyone of them. Lastly the friends pulled up to the wreck. Pope decided to go into the nearby restaurant owned by Kiara's parents to get her. 

He came out seconds later with bad news, "She says she's not comin'." 

JJ leaned his head out the window and asked why she wasn't coming. "What'd you do to her John B?" he asked his best friend, accusingly. 

John B responded, "Shit! Hang on, I'll deal with it," not really answering JJ's question. He then got out of the car and walked into the restaurant.

Meanwhile, JJ who was now sitting in the back seat with Clara and Pope, was wondering what had happened between John B and Kiara. 

"What do you think he did?" JJ asked Pope. 

"No clue, but she sure as hell didn't like it," Pope replied.

 A few moments later, John B and Kiara came out of the restaurant. "Let's roll," John B said as he got into the driver's seat and Kiara hopped into the passenger seat.

While driving for some time, JJ decided to take a break and relax. "It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuff has gone down. I'm just gonna lay low," he said, offering Pope a hit of his joint. Pope declined, and JJ commented on his lack of creativity, saying, "If you got creative, then..." John B interrupted, admitting his mistakes about the lighthouse and everything else, but he believed his dad was trying to tell him something.

When they finally arrived at their destination, John B urged Kie to hurry, but she was scared. "This place is scary. John B, what are we doing?" she asked. John B told her to be quiet and asked if she knew the feeling of trying to remember a song but not who sings it. Kie agreed, and John B revealed that Redfield was not a place but a person.

As they approached their final destination, John B shared some family history with the group. "Olivia Redfield, my great-great-grandmother, that was her maiden name," he said, as they approached the heavy door. They struggled to open it, with Pope and John B pushing and Kie, Clara and JJ providing backup. Suddenly, Clara saw a snake and stepped back immediately stepping on JJ's foot in doing so. JJ wanted to make a snarky comment as he noticed a snake and dropped it starting to bark instead.

"Shut up, JJ! You're gonna wake the dead", Kie shouted.

After some debate, Clara suggested that she could get through the small hole. The others were sceptical, but Clara was determined to make it work determined to help John B.

John B requested a boost for Clara to get to the hole, and JJ offered to help her, claiming to have seen it in the movies before. So, Clara stepped on his hand and JJ provided her the boost she needed to get up to the hole. Clara asked for a reminder of what they were looking for, to which John B replied, "You'll know when you see it." After jumping down and getting a flashlight from John B, Clara asked for even more light and John B provided it by holding his lamp up to the hole.

After some time JJ asked if she had found anything, specifically if there was any gold. 

Clara exclaimed, "Oh my god," upon discovering something. 

When she put the discovery up to the hole Pope corrected her, stating that it was not gold. 

Clara then grunted as she pulled herself up and through the hole, landing on the ground next to the Pogues. 

John B exclaimed, "Holy shit. This is from my dad." 

Suddenly, a vehicle approached, causing JJ to panic and yell "Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!" 

Kie told them to go, and JJ warned them that it was the guys who robbed their house. Kie requested to turn off their light and John B was the last one to turn off his. A man in the distance shouted that he saw something. JJ exclaimed that the man had a gun, and Kie decided to make a run for it.

The group fled from the men and climbed over a fence. Pope got stuck, but Clara climbed the fence with ease, and to the girl's surprise JJ helped her down on the other side. JJ then shouted quietly for Pope to hurry up. He got into position and held the gun up, but John B and Clara took care of his impulsive idea. Clara yelled quietly at him, "Are you crazy?" Meanwhile, Kie helped Pope get down from the fence, but his pants got ripped in the process. Eventually, all the teens sprinted to the car and drove off to John B's.

When the group arrived at John B's they all got out of the car and as they entered the chateau, the group was filled with a mix of excitement and nerves. They had no idea what they were about to discover, but they knew it was something big. JJ was in the kitchen, preparing a sandwich with moldy bread, which made Clara shake her head in disapproval. She couldn't believe he was still going to eat it, despite the mold.

As they gathered around John B, who was now holding a map, they all eagerly looked at the X that marked the spot. But their attention quickly turned to the tape recorder that John B had picked up. As Big John's voice started to play, they were all stunned into silence. He had found the Royal Merchant, and he was urging John B to go for the gold. The emotion in his voice was palpable, and Big John finished the recording by telling John B that he loved him even through he hasn't always been the best dad and that they'll see each other on the other side. John B was overwhelmed with emotion and stood up falling against the wall, crying. Clara rushed to him, holding him tightly as he let out all of his feelings. The group stood in silence, giving him space to process the news. It was a moment of intense emotions, and they knew that their lives were about to change forever.

The group sat outside of John B's house, still in shock after listening to Big John's recording. The weight of what they had just discovered was palpable in the air. JJ's initial outburst of excitement had given way to a somber silence, broken only by John B's occasional very quiet sobs.

"How much was it again?" JJ finally asked, his voice quiet.

"Four hundred mil," John B replied, his voice hoarse from crying.

JJ let out a low whistle. "That's a lot of money."

They all sat in silence for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts about what they would do with their share of the money. 

Finally, JJ spoke up. "Alright, let's talk the split. Now, before we say 'evenly,' may I remind you that I am the only one that can properly defend us from those groupers who were after us. Protection? Not cheap, okay?"

Pope scoffed. "You haven't trained. You've done zero training."

"YouTube, bro!" JJ shot back. "That's at least a five percent bump right there."

Pope rolled his eyes but didn't argue further. 

"Any objections?" No one spoke up, and JJ continued. "What are you gonna do with your 100 mil, Pope?"

"Paying for college in advance," Pope said without hesitation. "And also, textbooks. Those are expensive."

Kie told them that she wanted to create a double album about the Pogues and OBX, recording it at Marley Studio with Peter Tosh producing even through she knew he was dead, but she insisted that his spirit would never die.

"What about you, JJ? Kie asked very curious what the boy would do with that amount of money.

JJ grinned. "I know what I'll do. I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook. Get a marble statue of myself and everything."

The boy said and Clara rolled her eyes at him, which didn't go unnoticed by the boy, who then shot a glare at her.

"I'm never visiting," Kie deadpanned.

Clara, who had been listening quietly until now, spoke up. "I think I want to do a trip. I want to visit a lot of different places maybe even the whole world."

JJ looked at her sceptically. "Just a trip? That's it?" 

Clara shook her head. "No, not just a trip. I also want to help people, who do not have it so fine. Maybe start a charity or something."

The group fell silent, each lost in their own thoughts about the possibilities that the money could bring. Finally, John B spoke up again. "To going full Kook!"

They all repeated it all at once and raised their bottles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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