6. Lightning's mission

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3 days later, Lightning got to Crystal Prep earlier than usual, because she had a mission. Indigo Zap was wrong about her, and she could make friends just like anyone else. There were about 15 minutes until her first class, and she was determined to succeed before that. She glanced around and noticed 2 girls chatting across the hallway. One of them was light blue with long turquoise hair, and the other was orange with purple hair. She knew they were in her class, but never paid attention to their names.

Lightning confidently approached the girls. "Hey! You look interesting! Wanna hang out?"

The girls stared at her weirdly, before the girl with purple hair spoke up. "Aren't you that girl who cheated in that basketball game?"

"And hit Sunny Flare on her first day here," the other girl noted. "She's bad news." The 2 girls glared at her, then walked in the other direction.

Lightning sighed. Surely, not everyone was like that. She had a good explanation for what she had done. Looking at her watch, she noticed she had about 10 minutes left. This mission was not over yet!


Mission failed. Everyone else had heard what she'd done, and no one accepted her explanation. They said there was no excuse for hitting Sunny Flare. Well, most of the students there were on Sunny Flare's side. And everyone hated her for what she did in the basketball game. Just as she was about to try again, the bell rang.

Lightning noticed she had wandered far from her first classroom. She was not getting in trouble again, and she definitely didn't need to be any more hated than she was. The only way to get there on time would be to run, hoping no one caught her. It was the stupidest rule, honestly. They expected everyone to be there on time, but running was forbidden?

She took off at full speed around the corner, but suddenly wished she had checked first. She instantly ran into another student, both of them tumbling to the ground.

"Would you watch where you're going?" she said as she sat up, looking at the other person. He looked to be the same age as her, if not a little older. He had light grey skin and dark blue hair.

"You're the one who was running," he pointed out, getting to his feet.

"Whatever, I'm not gonna miss class because of you," Lightning said as she was about to stand up. It was only then she realized she had twisted her ankle during the fall, and winced as she tried to put weight on it.

"Do you need help?" the boy asked, noticing her struggle.

"No, I don't!" she snapped, finally regaining her balance. She could walk, but there was no way she would make it to class in time. The boy seemed to notice he was late as well.

"Well, we're both getting detention now," he said, walking ahead of her. She took a few steps and it wasn't that bad. She would make it to class, there was no need to make it even worse. Today was not her day.


After the day's classes, Lightning was preparing to leave, but she had forgotten...she had detention again. She was stuck in the classroom, but at least not by herself. Well, that might have been better in this case. The boy from that morning had also been late, and was in trouble as well.

They were sitting in the classroom, and the teacher was at the front looking through some papers. Lightning glanced at the clock, thinking it should be over soon. It must have been about 45 minutes.

2 minutes had gone by.

"You do know this school is very exact with their timings?" the boy said quietly.

"Yeah," she replied. "You shouldn't have gotten in my way, that's the problem."

"If I'm not mistaken, you were running around a sharp corner," he pointed out.

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