9. Snowfall's adventure

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Lightning pulled Snowfall between the music shop and a building directly next to it, and after looking around, she finally let go of him. By now, she was just hoping her dad wouldn't follow her outside.

"Okay," she whispered to him. "What do you want?"

"Well, I like you," he said. "I have since that afternoon we spent together."

"What...afternoon?" she asked, now extremely confused. He certainly never acted like he cared about her. Well, now that she looked back at her encounters with him, he was always sort of emotionless...but he did save her that one time when she was lost.

"In detention," he replied. "Unless you know of any other afternoons we've spent together."

"Okay, okay," she said. "But you just seemed kind of annoyed with me the whole time, like you were waiting to leave."

"Listen, I'm not sure what I am doing," Snowfall said, taking her hand. "Because I have never dated before. I'm not very good at showing emotions. It kind of runs in my family, I guess. My sister went to Crystal Prep as well, and she's the same way. But you...you give me feelings I have never experienced."

"Yeah, me too," Lightning admitted, thinking back to the times she'd had with him. It really was kind of sweet, how he had never felt anything for anyone else except her. Then a thought occurred to her. "But look, my dad cannot find out about this. He doesn't trust anyone, not even the girls I'm friends with. I don't know how he'd react if he knew I was dating someone."

"He doesn't have to know," Snowfall whispered, pulling her closer. "I want you, I have ever since I met you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Sure, why not?" she said. She been on a few dates before, but never specifically in a 'relationship', as she had been quite young at the time. Just as she was about to pull him closer...

"Lightning, are you out here?" her dad called from around the corner.

Lightning let go of him and stepped out. "I'll see you later. Wait here until we're inside," she demanded him. If this was going to work, no one could find out, and he would have to do what she said. So far, it was working. Well, the last 5 minutes or so.


The next morning, Lightning woke up excited for the day's vlogs with her new friends. She hadn't gotten Snowfall's number yet, but she would find him the next day in school, or he would find her...like he had before. She still wasn't quite sure how he located her, but she had other things to think about. After getting dressed and ready for the day, she called Frosty.

"Hey, do you want to do something?" she asked, picking up her backpack and expecting to go somewhere.

Frosty hesitated. "Actually, we're kind of tired out from the vlog we did last time."

"What? That was yesterday," Lightning said. Maybe these girls were not as cool as she thought.

"Yeah, but I don't know," Frosty continued. "We were gonna do something else like maybe go to the park, and have some food. It could be like a picnic. Minty and I used to do this all the-"

"Ugh, that's lame," Lightning cut her off. "Fine, I'll just go to the adventure park by myself. You're missing out, but whatever, it's your loss." With that, she hung up and packed her phone in her bag. Oh well, she wasn't going to waste her day on doing nothing.


She had a good time at the adventure park, and spent about 2 hours there. It was a little boring though, as she had done everything so many times. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she would have liked to go with Minty and Frosty again. But surely, they were missing her just as much. It was around 2:30 when she was walking home, and she decided to take a different route through the park and try to spot them. She hadn't been to this park since the last time she saw Indigo Zap.

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