8. The music shop

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Lightning stepped into the music shop, looking around at the various instruments and posters. There wasn't anyone else in the shop, except for her dad, who was setting up a shelf. It wasn't very big, and she didn't remember it very well honestly. She picked up a guitar by the door and strummed it lightly. She had never thought about learning music, as much as her dad had tried to offer her lessons over the years.

"Lightning, there you are," her dad walked over to her. "You said you were busy with your new friends."

"Yeah, well, I had a change in plans," she explained.

"You haven't come to the shop in a while, have you?" he asked.

"I think it's been a few years, actually," Lightning said. It looked quite different from the last time she had stopped in. "So, what do you do here all day?"

"Well, a lot of things need to be set up," her dad replied. "Customers ask questions, and we have some teachers who give music lessons as well. I do sometimes. Speaking of, can you take this and put it with the others?" He pointed to the guitar by the door, and then to the shelf where the other guitars were.

Lightning took it and placed it on the shelf. "So, why did you call me so many times?" she asked.

"Well, you said you would be at the park with your friends," he said. "And I asked you for how long and you said until about 2:00. And then I called you at 2:15. I gave you time to finish whatever you were doing, and then you didn't answer. And I get worried, because what if something happened to you?"

"Yeah, I know," she replied. Frosty was right, he really was concerned about her.

"I mean, everything I do is for you," he continued. "Why do you think I work here? I'm getting enough money to save up for your college. And why do you think I come home early some days? To see you and listen to how your day was at school. I can't say you're anything like your mom, quite the opposite. She was very gentle and calm, and you're..."

"Not?" she laughed. "I know! And I guess I wanted to say...I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" he asked.

"For ignoring your calls and not spending time with you," she said. "I'm going to try harder."

"You really are growing up," her dad smiled, but didn't hug her. Then he looked around the shop. "Now help me move this piano."


It had been a while since she arrived at the music shop. They had been cleaning up and organizing the instruments, and putting up new posters. Lightning had a good time, as it had been a few years since she did anything with her dad. Frosty's words really stayed with her.

She had just finished setting up some microphones on a shelf when the door opened and the bell rang. She glanced up from the shelf and was shocked for a second when she saw who had come in. Snowfall stepped inside, and was looking around for something. Then he set his eyes on her and started walking over.

"What's the matter?" her dad asked, seeing her uncomfortable expression.

"I gotta go to the, um...bathroom," she lied, running off to the back of the store.

"But you just came back from..." her dad started, but she had already left. "Well, alright then," he glanced to the front of the store, finally noticing Snowfall. "Finally, a customer. How can I help you?" He approached Snowfall with a smile.

"Just looking around," Snowfall said.

"Alright then," Lightning's dad replied. "Let me know if you need anything," he went back to resume his job of sorting out a box of music books. While he was distracted, Snowfall started towards the back shelf of the store, where he had seen Lightning disappear.

Lightning was hiding behind the shelf, hoping Snowfall would just go away, and that he wouldn't talk to her dad too much. As he was walking by, she reached out and grabbed him, pulling him behind the shelf.

"There you are," he said.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" she asked in an annoyed tone, lowering her voice.

"Just looking for a tambourine, alright?" Snowfall replied.

Lightning scoffed. "Yeah, right. You idiot, how'd you know I was here?"

"I saw you at the park and followed you," he explained.

"Oh, so you're stalking me," she said.

"Not exactly," he started. "If you don't want me to find you, then maybe don't go out."

"Okay, and what were you doing at the adventure park, Snowfall?" Lightning asked.

"Skateboarding," Snowfall replied.

"Cut the crap, you followed me there too," she said.

"Alright, maybe," he admitted.

"No, not maybe!" Lightning raised her voice, a little too much. "What's wrong with you?"

"Lightning, could you help me move something?" her dad called from the other side of the store.

"Ugh, it doesn't matter now," she whispered to Snowfall. "My dad doesn't know that we are...well, that we know each other. Just act like you don't know me, you got it?"

Snowfall nodded, then they looked over at her dad, who was staring at them. Lightning noticed how closely they were standing, and stepped away.

"Just helping him out with a question!" she called back, then started towards her dad. "Coming!" Just as she was walking that way, Snowfall grabbed her wrist. She instantly reacted, stomping on his foot and forcing him to let go of her. "What's your problem?!"

"I need to talk to you," Snowfall said.

"Not the time," she answered, going over to her dad and helping him move a box. They put it down on the counter, then she looked at him. "Is that all?"

"Yes," her dad said. "It's nice to have you here. You should stop by more often."

"Yeah, but actually I gotta go for a minute and...call someone," Lightning said. "Wait right here." She walked back to the shelf where Snowfall was, grabbing him and pulling him towards the back door. "Outside!"


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