17: New York City Police and Hatred

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Amanda’s POV:

Louis was really getting on my nerves. First he steals the child I was babysitting, then he is to lazy to get up from the spot we fell and show me that it was him... if he didn’t do all of that, I wouldn’t be freaking out. After all, I did call the cops on him.

“Louis,” I called for the English boy’s attention, as soon as he heard me calling for him, he stopped fiddling with the ice pack on his crotch and looked at me curiously. The second his eyes met mine, I couldn’t concentrate –the breathtaking shade of blue was almost impossible to avoid. “We need to get out of here.” I stated once I found my voice again.

“Why, exactly?” Louis responded, still looking curious and a bit confused.

Do I tell him? I thought, panicking. If I did tell him that the police was looking for him, he’d run like the wind even with the pain in his lower region, but at the same time he would be incredibly angry with me. But… if I didn’t tell him I’d be on okay terms with the boy. Sadly he’d still take his time moving in this huge park.

“She has a doctors appointment for her ankle that she managed to twist.” Harry told Louis quickly, pointing at the cast, which I managed to put on myself a few hours ago.

Nice save Harry, nice save.

It seemed as if he was very content of getting Louis out of here before the police came just as I was, except Harry was handling everything much calmer then me.  

“Oh! Well, you could have told me before!” Louis replied, except he was much quieter almost as if he felt bad that he didn’t notice my cast.

Honestly, I myself forgot about my small injury. From me running faster than I ever have before in my life about half an hour ago, the pain in my ankle was now very hard to maintain.

Of course, now Louis was aware of how the twist happened due to Harry telling him, I was expecting him to laugh and tell me how stupid I was. Instead, he just knowingly nodded at the curly haired boy, a concerned look in his eyes.

“Wait, how do you know exactly how I did this?” I gestured to my cast, asking Harry.

“Tom told me.” His shoulders shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips as he mentioned Lou’s fiancé.

“It’s not funny,” I told him warningly.

“Personally, I think it’s hilarious.” Harry laughed, wiggling his eyebrows challengingly.

Forget about me previously calling Louis a Jerk butt, that title now fits Harry perfectly.

Running through my mind were hundreds of ways to kill the chuckling boy beside me. ‘Way’s to kill an Inconsiderate Jerk’ a book title that would contain all of these plans ran through my mind. I could tie him to Taylor and watch him be annoyed to death, I thought –nah, way to harsh.

“We better get to that Doctors appointment then!” Speak of the devil; Taylor’s up-beat voice spoke causing jerk-butt-curly-haired-freak-boy to finally stop laughing at me.

“Yeah… lets go,” Harry spoke through his chuckles while pushing his hair back with his long fingers.

Here we go, I thought bracing myself for the heavy weight that was going to be pushed onto my ankle. Through all of the running and walking I’ve done in the past hour, the pain in my foot wasn’t very noticeable. Now however, I can’t stand it.

Once again hoisting Lux higher in my arms my grip tightening as I did so, I took a few steps when I felt a soft tapping on my back. Turning around to face whoever did it, I saw none other then Louis.

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