26: Barefoot

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Amanda’s POV:

A better situation would consist if anything but this. It was as if I was being crushed by my own fears, a new one slowly adding onto the overflowing list. Each time I took in a breath it was cut short by my own doing, afraid that I might blow up. My fingers tapped on my thighs nervously as I paced around my room, thinking if this idea was safe enough to risk.

The phone was laid carelessly on the side table, mocking my teeth chattering state. What used to be my father’s study when I was exploring New York was now transformed into a simple room that I could call my own. However, at the moment I wanted nothing more but to escape and descend out into the early morning light, but that I was going to do had to be done.

Reluctantly, I stopped my pacing directly in front of the table. My hand itched away from the device but I forced my fingers to grasp my phone tightly. With no thought I typed away, dialing the numbers I knew by heart.

With every ring that went by, my legs turned to jelly. Giving my legs some time off, I took a seat on my bed waiting for the other line to pick up.


Heaving in a breath I replied, "Hey, Danni."

A defining silence took place. As if who I hoped was still my best friend was contemplating whether to talk to me or not. The thought was subsided once her voice made way into my ear. After the silence, it was as loud as a shriek.

"Amanda... how are you?" Danni sounded forceful, but I made no hint to her that I noticed.

“I’m decent, London’s the same.”

“Um, Stanford is challenging!”

“Really? I’m sure you’re doing fantastic.”

“I hope so…”

Another pause occurred making me shut my eyes in frustration. My nose rested in my hands as I thought of a different approach into our problems. Danni evidently hates my presence… so I might as well get this over with.

“Danni…” I breathed, she muffled a ‘yes’ through the speaker. “I’m sorry.”

Her response was one that I definitely didn’t expect.

“Good,” she smugly replied. From London, I could practically hear her crossing her arms over in victorious. That bitch.

“Is… is that all you have to say?” My jaw was clenched, not wanting to hear her bullshit anymore. After all, it was her dramatic self leading to the reason we were stood here, talking to each other with distaste. It’s all her fault.

“Yes… now it’d be swell if you left me alone. I have a date – I mean, tutor session – with my physics teacher.” Her words stuck to me with disgust.

“No. Danni, do you have any idea how you sound? You sound like those whores that we laughed at trying to get picked up at 6th street! What happened to you?”

“BITCH, I’M NOT A WHORE!” The phone almost dropped in my hands in response to her screaming.

“WHY AREN’T YOU APOLOGISING TO ME?” I ignored her incorrect statement and asked the only question on my mind. It wasn’t about her having sex lessons with her teacher, it wasn't about me leaving to London back to my family... it was about our friendship.

But as time ticked by, and Danni didn't utter a word arching towards an apology... the friendship we used to have was forgotten on both lines. Now, as I was begging for her to apologize to me from half way around the world, it had hit me like a ton of bullets. The more hit me,  the more stupid and used I felt. Danni Pennington wasn't worth it.

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