18: Broken Beyond Repair

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Louis POV:

“None other than Louis Tomlinson from the world famous boy band, One Direction, was seen being questioned by Police today in Central Park. The rest of his band, female icon Taylor Swift and a few close friends joined him this evening. Things looked as if they were going smoothly. Soon after a small chat with a New York City police officer with Louis occured. The officer left the poor boy and he went back to his group. What was he questioned for? We have no idea. Although, we will get back to this soo–” Seconds before the inaccurate news report came to an end, I shut the television off abruptly.

My mood was already at a decreasing low the minute I stepped into my hotel room, but turning the television on was probably the worst choice I’ve made today. Hearing about what previously happened was a pain, and having the information spread in an incorrect version is even worse.

“Louis why the fuck did you turn it on?” I ran my fingers through my hair and slouched deep into the sofa. Before I felt like absolute waste, now I feel like shit.

Sooner or later I knew that I would have a very expected call from none other than management, the group of people who have the boys and I’s courier in their hands. If I mess this up for everybody, I won’t be questioning my body jumping off a cliff soon.

Groaning, I rolled over onto my side. My eyes were still puffy and red from when I was bawling my eyes out in a taxi. Honestly, I feel sorry for the driver who had to deal with my wailing the whole two hours in traffic. In the past moment, I figured that I just wanted to let my unknown emotions out in any way possible, and oddly the crying helped.

Sharp knocking came from the opposite side of the door that was located far from where I was laying in the living area. By instinct I knew exactly who it was on the other side of the mahogany wood.

“Come in!” I yelled as loud as I could hoping that the awaited person would be able to hear me, but even with me producing the loudest volume I could conjure up, I was as loud as a unattractive croaking frog.

Harry’s curly mop of hair was the first thing I saw. To be honest, I was just expecting him to be pitiful, and help a friend in need. Zayn, Niall and Liam were a definite added bonus.

They all slowly shuffled in and sat on any available piece of furniture. Harry however, sat on the small space left on the couch that I had taken over.

Silence took over the room, and I shuffled my face deeper into the sofa cushion. At the moment, I just wanted to make no human contact for weeks. Talking to my best friends wasn’t exactly my main focus.

They were part of the reason why I felt this way.

“I’m sorry Louis,” Niall spoke up from across the room.

I didn’t respond – my body showed no sign of movement – and a long sigh was heard from beside me.

“Louis, stop ignoring us. We’re trying to sort things out.” Harry scolded me, sounding incredibly frustrated.

Shock took over me. Out of all people, I didn’t expect Harry to get angry with me. He was the person who I relied on the most at the moment. It felt like he broke my trust… but I knew that was impossible.

Even though I felt incredibly shaken, Harry’s ‘warning’ didn’t get to me. My mind was going a million miles per second, and I couldn’t just focus on one thing. Whether it is the previous incidents or the present.

A silence was a craving I needed, and everyone in this room – other than myself – didn’t understand.

Whispers sounded throughout the room, although my ears couldn’t detect the words. Zayn and Liam exchanged worried glances due to myself not speaking.

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