23: Arrivals

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Louis’ POV:

“Don’t yell anything out like last time, okay Louis?” Mockingly, Paul laughed the second we got off of the plane. I ignored his input, it made me feel stupid.

All of us were tired, the time difference getting the best of us. Willing my eyes to stay open, I kept them peeled for Paul. He was leading us through the hurried crowd. Just like I remembered since I was a child, the London airport was one of the busiest there is.

“Stay awake, Niall.” Liam poked his finger at a half-asleep Niall. He jolted awake instantly, looking around bewildered. I watched as Liam discreetly chuckled to himself, watching Niall drift off again.

“OH COME ON NIA –” Before Liam could scream Niall’s name out to the world, I hastily slapped my hand over his mouth. He looked at me confused, but then suddenly noticing his mistake.

He mouthed an ‘oops’ and carried on poking Niall every once and a while. Meanwhile, I continued to follow Paul in the vast crowd.

“Louis, we should go over to the luggage pickup as quick as possible.” Walking beside me, our security guard Paul discussed with me the plan. I nodded in response, turning around and gesturing the boys over to the direction of the pickup.

Their walking pace quickened, hurrying up to me.

“Hey Lou, why not we talk about ‘Craig the Combustor’?” Laughter cascaded out of Zayn’s mouth as he teased me about my airplane buddy. I huffed in response, not bothering to ask how he knew his name in the first place.

“Let’s not.” I responded grumpily.

“What’s up your butt?” Asked Harry, whispering into my ear from behind me.

“Nothing, I’m just tired.” Shrugging off his concern, I turned around to face the boys once we got to the luggage pickup. They all looked at me, and soon I realized my unnecessary move of turning around… it’s not like I’m their tour guide.

Coughing, I turned back around at the smirking boys and looked out for my luggage. That was until I remembered where my suitcase was – at the hotel were the boys left it. I sighed while rubbing my eyes, trying to stay awake.

“I’ll meet you guys by the food court, I’m hungry.” The lie rolled off my tongue with ease as I told the boys an excuse. They nodded, but still, they looked unsure.

Before any of the boys could notify any of our security guards, I left for the food court. However, I wasn’t planning to buy anything to eat. Keeping my head low, I pulled on my sunglasses. I could barely distinct everything around me, but it was better than being mobbed. That was until I was forced into a stranger.

My glasses got knocked off my face, causing me to curse under my breath. Getting on the ground, I looked for the pair of glasses. Grabbing them once they were in my reach, I got up off the ground to see who I bumped into and apologize. Once I saw who I bumped into, it internally groaned. By now, looking at this angry man, a fan girl would have been better to handle.

“Sorry sir, it was an accident. It’ll never happen again, I promise.” In one breath I let out my apologies, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

Thankfully, his angry expression was soon replaced with one of sincerity. Mentally, I did a fist pump. No angry man for me to handle tonight.

“It’s fine… but I do have to say, you look quite familiar to the eyes.” With that, the man started to blink uncontrollably. That allowed me to sigh in vulnerability. I should have known, all of the weird men find their way towards me.

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