28: Tolerable

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I could tell that Louis was fumbing beside me, not sure of what to do and what to say. It was strange to see him like this; trying not to bark in my face, an action that would surely resemble a dog. Yet, the victorious feeling that I had in my gut told me otherwise: having pissed off Louis Tomlison felt good, indeed. 

And as this boy begrudgingly reached over to buckle himself up in his seatbelt, I could tell he had accepted his unknown fate. 

"Why on earth would you bring a person who's angry with you, in a car with them?" HIs hair lazily flopped over his eyes as he muttered. 

"To be quite honest, i'm not sure." I shrugged, turning onto the freeway. In my mind, I had a pretty good idea to where I was taking the both of us. 

"You're not sure?" 

"Yeah, it was one of those 'live in the moment,' things." I shrugged once more, keeping my eyes on the road. 

He scoffed in reply, "Have you been stalking me?" 

"That's obsured! Out of all people, why would I be wasting my time stalking you?" 

"Because i'm fabulous?" He tried for an answer, making me glance over at him with a glare. 

My lungs let out a deep breath at his narcissism, keeping my mouth shut closed. Maybe if I stayed quiet, Louis would elaborate on his comment about me stalking him. Our small argument had gotten me to loose track of what I had said in the first place, making my silence almost unnessary. However, I stood - sat - my ground. 

"Look, my twitter bio has something to do with living in the moment... because everything's uncertain." From my side-vision, I could see him nervously scratch the back of his neck. 

"Oh," I replied bluntly. 

"Yeah..." My attempt at keeping my awkward chuckles to myself almost failed as Louis trailed off. 

He sighed, "Look; you've practically kidnapped me-" 

I hastily inturrupted, "-I wouldn't call it kidnapping." 

"Uh-huh, what is it then?" Louis challenged, sitting back in the passenger seat.

"Um..." I thought, "borrowing?" My voice rose higher at the end, as if i was asking a question. 

In reply, Louis simply shook his head and continued. "You kidnapped me," He stopped my incoming second inturruption by putting his hand up. "You suck at driving, so you're also putting me in danger." 

I mindlessly took my hand off the wheel and attempted to shove him over. This led to the car shifting dangerously into the lane baside us, making Louis let out a girly scream. Just as fast as I retracted my hand, I stuck it back on the wheel, balancing us out. 

"See? You're crazy!" He yelled, tugging at the front of his hair in frusteration. 

In content, I sighed. Having this boy, who has done nothing but create havock in my life, be stressed out just by me shoving him into my car - made me feel almost happy. Almost. Loosing my best friend, moving out of my dream city, making a fool out of myself and driving barefoot - it was all due to him. 

And man, was he going to pay. 

"You sound like an absolute physopath." Louis stated blunty. I could feel his observing stare peircing through my smirking-self. 

"I won't even ask if I said my thoughts out-loud." Because it was obvious that I did. 

"You think about things like that? Torturing people!" He exclaimed, panicking again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2013 ⏰

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