08: Drama Llama

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Louis POV:

I feel extremely guilty. When Amanda called my name when she woke up, I felt an unusual tickle in the middle of my back. It took all of my will not to turn around and hold her in my arms… woah. Where did that come from?

Before I thought I loved her, but I knew that was a spur of the moment kind of thing, and it was highly un-realistic…  I mean how could you love someone without knowing anything about them? I give credit to our fans; at least they know something about us. Actually, our fans knew a little more about the boys and me then I would like…

After a really uncomfortable 16 minutes later, I was still in my awkward kneeling position, when I heard rustling behind me. Amanda asked Zayn for some water a while ago, and I had to stop myself from belting out “I’m singing in the rain”… even though there was no rain in sight.

“Bye guys” I heard her mumble and soon the sound of light footsteps was getting softer and softer, until I heard a squeaky door open and close. Automatically I rolled onto the blinding white carpet and started stretching every muscle I knew.

“What was that all about?” Zayn shout whispered at me. I knew exactly what he was talking about, and once he mentioned it I started to violently ‘shimmy’ on the carpet. It probably looked like a mini seizure, but Liam saw me pull this stunt before, so he made absolutely no effort to even check to see if I was okay. As my face rubbed against the carpeted ground, I felt stinging on my cheeks. Somebody say rug burn.

“Louis, stop that. You look like a sizzling egg.” Only one person I know would say a comment like that… the little Irish Man. The ‘seizure’ abruptly stopped and I slowly turned my neck to face Niall. The task was a good stretch for my neck, considering the fact that I was still laying on my stomach. I gave him an ‘are-you-kidding-me?’ look and he happily nodded, understanding my message.

“What was what all about?” I answered Zayn with a sigh. Why did Niall have to stop me with my distraction? It was going so well.

“You know quite we’ll about what we are talking about.” Liam agitatedly said. Innocently, I shook my head and went back into my ‘sizzling egg’ dance. I heard a few sighs of annoyance from the boys as they made their way across the room towards the food table.

"Amanda Miller, please come backstage to meet Paul Higgins. Amanda Miller, please come backstage to meet Paul Higgins, Thank You". I heard her getting called through the intercom.

“GOD IS THAT YOU?” My ears perked up at her voice and I instantly felt the need to laugh. She seriously thought that Paul was god? Just as I was about to go into a fit of laughter, I remembered my situation. Niall on the other hand, had the absolute right to laugh his arse off, and he did just that.

Suddenly, I heard the familiar creak of a door opening that came from the direction that Amanda left to previously. Hastily, I went back into my kneeling position to make her think that I didn’t move at all since she left.

Out if nowhere, I heard her light footsteps again. My eyes focused on the metal door ahead of me with all my might. Soon, Niall’s laughs slowly turn into giggles and hiccups. That must mean that Amanda was in the room! Composure took over me and I became as still as possible.

I stood – well kneeled – correctly once I saw the dressing room door open, and with a last glimpse of brunette, wavy hair, Amanda was out through the door to meet Paul backstage.

With a sigh of relief, I stood up and made my way towards Niall who was stuffing his face with water for his hiccups to stop. Rolling my eyes, I made my way over to Liam. He gave me a look of sympathy, and I returned it with a look of confusion.

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