Chapter 25

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Peter flipped out the way of Goblin's fireballs before hitting him with a powerful punch which sent Goblin flying but he quickly recentered himself thanks to his wings and he drove right at Peter even grabbing him attempting to squeeze the life of him and then he flew up into the sky and then dragged Peter across the roof of Oscorp Tower but Peter managed to shoot some web in his eyes blinding him which allowed Peter to escape his grasp and that was followed by Peter doing a variation of Natasha's leg grab move which was very weird for Peter
"I can't believe I did that" Peter said to himself pulling off his damaged mask showing his face that was bruised and bloody
but that didn't matter as the goblin got up and ran right at Peter
"Oh you think that simple move is going to stop me" said Goblin who was getting up
"Well sort of" Peter stated but he stood firm as he remembered that move he used to beat Harry in superhero mega slam as Goblin's entire body was engulfed in flames and Peter tapped into his video game loving self as he struck goblin with one heavy punch to the head
"Hope your ready for the final battle" said Peter
"Oh I'm sure of it" said the Goblin
"Okay just remember it like your putting in the button prompts" Peter said to himself and so Peter proceeded to hit him with various punches and kicks with some fighting game modes as well before finally ending it with him webbing him down and running up on him and finally taking him down with one final and Powerful Strike finally stopping the goblin for good but not killing him so he can answer for his crimes
"Man that was tiring" Peter stated and then he sat down due to just how exhausting it was for him as Goblin started converting back into Norman Osborn with him puking out all the remaining Oz Formula in His body
"So you think this is all over because you avenged both your father and your aunt and uncle" said Norman whose face was covering in green fluid as all the fighting forced the Oz Formula out of his system causing him to change into a much sicklier man
"Why'd you do it Norman, why did you do all of this?" Asked Peter
"Your father betrayed me when he destroyed his research but it became worse when he became what you are now" said Norman
"You were using it to create bio weapons, I know you had a military contract but you could have used made them a gun or body armor, you know something simple" said Peter
"I don't think about simple things like that, someone hired me to do something so that is what I did" said Norman who then started coughing up blood that wasn't green
"Maybe but you lost control and now you're going to be punished for it" said Peter
"Guess I am after all the Oz Formula is completely out of my system but it was also making me sick" said Norman as SHIELD Guards made it to the top of the tower and took Norman with them
"Let's hope these guys treat you better then anyone who's been sent to Guantanamo Bay or the raft which is where you're most likely going or are you, I'm not really sure" said Peter
"Just who do you think you are after this, when the dust settles and everybody looks upon this day, what will you be to them?" Asked Norman
"I don't know but in truth, I don't think I'm anybody special, I'm just a kid from Queens" said Peter and Norman was taken away as Peter jumped off the tower and swung away.

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