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The short way was no longer becoming the short way. It felt like you guys were driving in circles through the desolate city. Your nerves were on high alert. You sat on the edge of the backseat with fingers gripped on the back of Ellie's seat.

"Where the fuck is the highway?" Joel asked equally as on edge.

"I can't tell from this. I'm all turned around" Ellie said figuring out the map. 

"Don't look at the state map look at the inset" Joel snapped

"We'll I don't know man. It's only my second day in a car!" She exclaimed

"Joel we gotta get out of here. I have a bad feeling. It's too quiet out here" you muttered

"It's gotta be the right. Fuck!" he mumbled to himself

"Stop!" Ellie exclaimed looking out the window. Joel slammed on the brakes. You and Joel turned to look at what she was looking at. 

"Is that the QZ? Where the fuck is FEDRA?" She asked which it was but it looked abandoned

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Joel! Get us out of here!" You snapped

"Hey!" You three heard ahead. All three of you snapped your heads straight ahead to see a man stumbling towards the truck.

"Please help!" The man shouted

You knew this was a trap and so did Joel.

"Put your seatbelt on Ellie" Joel said sternly. You put your pack on and cocked your gun which made Ellie nervous but she complied

"Are we going to help him?" She asked

"No—hold on tight" you muttered buckling yourself.

Joel slammed on the gas and headed straight for the man. Above another guy dropped a cinder block on the car but thankfully it only cracked the windshield. Unfortunately Joel drove over spikes and the car started to lose control

Gunshots went off so Joel swerved the car into an abandoned laundromat.

The impact of the collision made your body jerk forward but thankfully your seatbelt recoiled you back as the car came to a halt. But there was no time to rest.

"You okay! Nothing hurt?"'Joel quickly asked Ellie

"I'm okay I don't think so" she said. He looked at you and you nodded. A gunshot whizzed through the car making all of you flinch.

"Unbuckle and get out!" You screamed. You three shuffled out amongst the gunshots and yelling. Sitting against the truck you tried to catch your breath. You had pulled out Joel's rifle and gave it to him. You looked around and across the room there was a small hole. Small enough just for Ellie to squeeze through and avoid being caught in the gunfire.

"Joel look" you said to him, nudging him and pointing to it. You were tucked in between Joel and Ellie with Ellie crouching into you. She had a grip so tight in your upper arm and you found yourself gripping Joel's upper arm.

"She'll fit. We'll cover her" he agreed as more gunshots whizzed by.

You turned your head to look at Ellie who look terrified. You had to be calm for her.

"Hey you see that hole? It's the perfect size for you to squeeze through. When Joel says go, you crawl through the wall. You squeeze in and do not come out until we say. Okay?" You explained to her.  Before she could agree a shot went through the window of the truck above you guys and all of you crunched down even more.

Ellie looked up and then to the wall and then back to you and Joel.

"They're not gonna hit you" Joel assured. She didn't look convinced and looked to you with pleading eyes

In My Blood - Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now