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Blind rage & unconditional love.

Those two set Olivia and Joel on autopilot. No words needed to be spoken. For the next 15 minutes they fought and shot their way through the hospital. Taking down anything and anybody in their way. Working effortlessly as a team, back to back, side to side, the goal was to find and rescue Ellie.

Finally reaching the children's floor, you started to suddenly come down from your shooting high.

Nerves hit. She was close but neither of you knew what to expect.

You walked in behind Joel into the surgical room to see two nurses putting Ellie under anesthesia and a surgeon preparing to cut.

No one noticed the both of you yet.

"Unhook her" Joel demanded with an emotionless yet commanding tone as the three gasped in shock.

"How did you get in here?" The doctor snapped

"Unhook her" you said aiming your gun at him

"I won't let you take her" the doctor said grabbing a scalpel and pointing at the both of you.

Joel didn't hesitate. No thoughts needed. Just one bullet to the doctors head was enough for him.

The two nurses screamed in horror as you stepped closer to them.

"Unhook her now!" You yelled and they frantically did as they were told.

"Turn around" Joel snapped at them as he approached Ellie on the other side. You kept your gun aimed at them as Joel, amongst all the horror, gently picked up Ellie.

You led the way out.

"Elevators are working. Get her down to the basement. I know Marlene has to have a car out of here. I'll take the stairs and clear the basement" you said to Joel locking eyes with him. His eyes carried the weight of relief and guilt as he nodded and looked at Ellie

"We got her. Let's get her home" you assured. He nodded again as you pushed the button for the elevator. You, then, quickly took the stairs and ran your way down to the basement.

Sneaking in you saw an SUV with a battery being charged.

You found a good spot to hide in and peered around to see Marlene hiding around the corner of the elevator with a gun. The elevator opened and Joel walked out with Ellie in his arms.

You quickly left your spot and made your way behind Marlene with out anyone seeing you. You needed to take her out with surprise

"You can't keep her safe forever, Joel" Marlene said to Joel making him turn around in shock.

"No matter how hard you try. No matter how many people you kill. She's gonna grow up, Joel. Then you'll die. She'll leave. Then what?" Marlene snapped. Joel's eyes darted in panic until he saw you in the shadows creeping up behind Marlene. His fear disappeared and he locked eyes with Marlene knowing she wasn't going to stop them.

"How long till she's torn apart by infected or murdered by raiders? Because she lives in a broken world that you could have saved." Marlene continued. Her gun still pointing at Joel.

"Maybe. But that's not for you to decide" Joel said

"Or you. So what will she decide then?cause I think she'd want to do what's right. And you know it. It's not too late. Even after what you've done. We can still find a way. " Marlene said back lowering her gun.

Joel looked down at Ellie then back to Marlene but his eyes shifted to you in the back and gave you a slight nod. She caught the glance and turned around in shock as you fired your gun once. Directly into her back. She shrieked in pain and fell to the ground.

In My Blood - Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now