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"Let us out" Ellie snapped

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"Let us out" Ellie snapped

"Well, that's certainly the goal. Hungry? Come on, bunny. I know you gotta be hungry"David taunted you.

"Let us out first" you countered. He laughed and shook his head.

"No. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I'm afraid of you both. Both of you are dangerous. You've both certainly proven that. The others still want me to kill you both." He said. You rolled your eyes and shook your head.

He didn't like that.

"Did you hear what I said? They wanted to kill you both. But I stopped them" he repeated

"Fuck you" Ellie spat out.

David's demeanor changed.

"Alright. How about we start over. What's both your names?" He asked his tone changing to be less inviting.

"Eat shit" you snapped

"Hey! Listen to me. You ladies can't survive on your own. But I can help you. Let me protect you" he said walking up to the cage. You and Ellie scooted back.

"We aren't on our own" Ellie reminded him.

"Right. Your friend...and how is he?" David asked

Ellie sighed and looked at you with worry and you felt the hot tears form as you thought about Joel.

"I can see how much you both care about him so I know it hurts. But even so you gotta face reality. That part of your life it's ending. What I'm offering both of you is a beginning. But if you can't find a way to trust me then, yes, you are alone." He said

You felt Ellie shudder under your embrace as David left.

You waited a few moments before pulling Ellie to her feet.

"Ellie, listen. We gotta focus. This guy is good at playing mind games. We gotta find a way out. And if we can't find a way out we have to talk our way out" you said to her. "Let me boost you up to the window. See if you can pop it open" you said to her. She nodded and you crouched down and cupped her foot. You boosted her up.

"It's thick. It's like glued into the cement. There's no latch" Ellie said. You sighed and slowly brought her down.

"Shit. Fuck. Fuck!" You yelled kicking the cage.

Ellie slid to the floor and put her head in her hands. She looked back up and saw something horrifying on the ground.

"Ol-Olivia! Olivia!" She shuddered grabbing your leg. You looked down and looked at her wide eyes. You knelt down to look at what she was looking at and your eyes went wide.

A fucking ear. Your eyes went up to the butcher cleavers and your stomach turned.

"Holy shit. They're gonna fucking cut us up and eat us" Ellie whispered in disbelief.

In My Blood - Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now