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•thanks to all that voted! Sorry for the long wait on updating. It's been a busy week!•

Olivia rolled over in bed as the early morning sun peeked through the blinds

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Olivia rolled over in bed as the early morning sun peeked through the blinds. She rolled into Joel's strong chest and his arms instantly wrapped around her and held her close.

"Mornin'" Joel said with a low and gruff voice. His eyes still closed trying to hold onto some more sleep and peace he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Morning" you said softly as he let you go to stretch his arms out. He sat up and rubbed his face.

"So what exactly was your plan with Ellie?" Joel asked you as you sat up and wrapped the sheet around your chest.

"Last night?" You asked

"Yeah—I mean if I was going to leav-"

"I would have taken what we needed and a horse and we would have left at midnight" you said cutting him off.

"So how about we go steal a horse and take Ellie with us?" Joel asked, flashing a quick smile.

You smiled back and nodded.

Both of you quickly showered and got dressed before heading down to the stables where the horses were.

"Want me to go get Ellie?" You asked Joel as you holstered gear onto one of the two horses you guys were planning on taking.

"Nah, Tommy is bringing her." He said

"She still thinks he's taking her" you stated

Joel nodded with a guilty look on his face.

"Like I said, I think it's fair that she gets to choose" he said

"If I could bet a million bucks she would choose you I totally would" you said as you both heard footsteps approach.

Tommy and Ellie came into view and looked surprised to see Joel. Ellie seemed more annoyed.

"You came here to say goodbye or something?" She asked.  When she saw you her anger disappeared but was replaced with confusion.

"No I came here to steal one of these horses and go." Joel said

"I would have given you one" Tommy said

"I know. Anyway...that was my plan last night...I uh-i think-"

"He wants you to choose, Ellie." You said for Joel as he struggled to find his words.

He nodded and stepped closer to Ellie.

"You deserve a choice." Joel said to Ellie softly.

She looked at you then Joel before shoving her pack into his chest and running up to you and the horse. You smiled and pulled her in for a side hug which she took graciously and then petted the horse.

In My Blood - Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now