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Today is the day! Me and my girls are about to start our own cheer squad! We have blue and white uniforms with RHS written across the front. My girl Stacy designed them by hand and they're gorgeous!! I stuffed my cheer bag into my locker making sure it's locked securely. There's a group of girls who are trying to make our school a competitive cheer team that are really jealous of us for being able to make a sideline team, I don't blame them though... it's not exactly fair.

?- Hey Hailey!
H- oh! Hi Milly!
M- are you as nervous as I am? We're a team with no coach, and there's only 4 of us!

I hadn't thought about that, we couldn't do any advanced stunts during halftime and intermissions unless we had 5 or more...

H- we'll be fine! We'll find more members eventually, until then we won't do a stunt higher than a prep!
M- ok... if you say so...
H- it's only practice.
M- what sports are we cheering for anyways?
H- well right now it's basketball and soccer.. eventually we'll do football and volleyball too.
M- that's a lot..
H- we're only doing home games, unless we play the rival team... which we're going to have to ask the boys about, every sport has a different rival.
M- ooh exploration!
H- mhm!
?- hi guys!
M- hey Daisy!
D- sorry I'm late, my moms needed pics of me in uniform before I came, I still have no clue how they're ok with me doing this!
H- that is a thought isn't it..
M- hmm maybe if you ask them what sports and stuff they did..
D- true! I know my mama did music stuff and karate, but I don't know much about my mom...
H- well ask her!
D- I definitely will.
M- well what are we waiting for!
H- Stacy.
M- oh. Yeah.
D- Milly!
M- sorryyy

And just like that Stacy comes rushing in

S- Hey guys! Sorry I'm late... I'm gonna get into practice clothes be right back!
H- oh yeah we should probably do the same..

We all put on our spandex shorts, t-shirts, and cheer shoes and walked out to the field next to the soccer fields where we were told to practice today.

D- we have one issue.. we need mats, it's only our fist practice, how are we gonna get them out here?
H- right...

I searched for a solution looking around the fields like something was just gonna jump out and make our dreams come true
And something did pop out..

H- guys! The soccer players!
M- oh yeah! They can help!
H- We need people 3 per mat, one of us at 2 of them, and 2 on one meaning we need 5 of them to come and help out.
S- got it!

Stacy ran across the field to the bleachers and grabbed the attention of the first 5 guys she could find and they all agreed and she gave us the thumbs up, which I guess meant for us to come so we could all get our mats out..

??- so we lift them above our heads?
H- yep.
?- sounds simple enough.

I had been grouped with Luke and Jake, great choices for me because there was no way I could handle Liam, Drew, and all the other annoying guys Stacy had coaxed into helping us... I would lose it.

J- I think I got I-

I change my mind, I might need to swap one of my guys out. Jake had dropped his end leaving the three of us underneath of a rolled up mat.

L- I really thought we had it!
H- blame Jake

We both gave him a look followed by the three of us cracking up before getting back on our feet

After what felt like eternity we managed to get all three mats out on the field... only for the price of 4 dollars because the thing that bribed every one of them besides Luke was a dollar.we still offered him a dollar and he still declined.

H- thanks you guys! We'll see you in like 45 minutes to help us bring them back in!
M- I'm already exhausted, Liam and what's his face were just complaining the whole time.
H- apparently Jake doesn't know how to gracefully drop a mat.

The 4 of us laughed but we're quick to get stretching done

H- alright guys! We need a dance for halftime... our first game is basketball.
M- indoors... I can work with that.
H- so what song are we thinking?

Final note!! Alright, I'm going to let you guys pick the song!! I'm going to put a few options in the comments and whichever one gets the most likes before February 24th is going to be the one!! So cast your votes!! And vote for this chapter please!! Love, Avisfearless ❤️

Cheer on! |The Music Freaks Cheer AU| (Inspired by Itz_keserie)Where stories live. Discover now