The Fall

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(Hailey POV)

H- MILLY! Are you okay?!

Just a few seconds ago Stacy lost her balance and dropped Milly from over 5 FT (152.4 CM) and she was laying flat on her back in the grass

M- I -gasp- only knocked the -gasp- wind out of -gasp- myself

She smiled at me

H- wanna try getting up?

She nodded at me

D- lets not try getting up yet.
H- why not?
D- if anything is seriously damaged that can make it worse.

At that point Luke and Zander had made it over and the group we had outside was circled around Milly.

H- does anything hurt?
M- uh.. nothing hurts too bad, my ass feels like its gonna bruise though.
D- well you seem to be breathing fine now.
M- yeah, now.
D- let's try to get you up.

Me and Daisy helped Milly up on her feet.

M- Well I feel pretty okay, but i think that's enough for now, or today. I say Zander should be me while I watch and critique you guys.
Z- Why me?! There's two princesses inside!
M- uhm because the injured one chose you, and those princesses are in there suffering for our sake.
H(mumble)- and yet he calls me princess
M- Mhm we all know, you should call him princess back sometime.

I rolled my eyes

H- we should just have a long practice tomorrow, Milly will be better by then. And if any of you can't stay for long enough I will force Zander or Sean to take your place.

D- I'll have to leave 20 minutes early for my Self-defence class.

H- okay then! Zander you have to fill in for her for the last 20 minutes.

Z- am I being payed?

H- no, but it's better than being stuck at home with Bethany. And while you wait to start you can watch Luke's soccer practice.

L- That would be great Zander!

Z- fine. But i am only there to stand and move through her spots, not to be a new addition to your little team. Got it?

I nodded, that was the best i was gonna get out of Zander.
Z- guys its almost 5, Stacy, Milly, Luke, and Jake have been here for almost 24 hours with Sean and Daisy at 22 hours.

D- that is true, I have one of my lessons in an hour... I need a ride home, not to mention that's where pretty much everyone besides Stacy and Sean's cars are.

S- I can take you home.

M- me and Luke can ride with Sean we all live in the same neighborhood. Plus Luke rode here with Zander.

H- So did Jake, he needs a ride.
Z- He lives a few blocks down, we can just walk with him
H- Zander its a 20 minute walk.

Z- fine, but I want to stay with Luke as long as possible so I guess I'll stay the night at Luke's. Is that okay Luke?

L- of course darling.

H- So I'm driving Jake, Stacy is taking Daisy, and Sean is driving Luke, Milly, and Zander?

L- sounds like it!

H- alright, sounds like a plan! Everyone get ready to go.

Everyone went inside but me and Zander stayed put

Z- I swear if he does anything to you I will kill him. You tell me if anything happens, okay?

H- Yeah, I know stop being paranoid. You better take it easy being alone with Luke too.

Zander rolled his eyes turning pink.

I went to the gate to walk around front but decided to yell one last thing to Zander

H- Oh! And don't have too much fun! Love ya!

Z- HAILEY! Drive careful!

Zander wasn't the kind of person to say "love you" back to anyone but Luke. But he did leave us off with things like "Drive safe" letting us know he still cared.

I texted Jake

H- U know ur riding w/ me?
J- 👍
H- grab my keys pls
J- 👍👑
H- nice talk.
J- I am the Mastermind of Emojis
H- sure
J- 👍👑 means Yes princess
H- hrry up Dork
J- coming!

Jake came outside still wearing the dorky princess crown that Bethany forced him to wear holding my keys out like they were a sacred jewel that fell off his tiara.

J- Here's your keys princess
H- If anyone is a princess here, it's you.
J- -sigh- this is my wonderful prince crown thank you.

He pulled the tiny plastic crown with the picture of every single Disney Princess off his head and placed it crookedly on my head

J- now you are the princess
H- and why aren't you bowing down to me, peasant?
J- My dearest apologies your majesty

He bowed down and I pretended to be annoyed putting my hand out at his face rolling my eyes.


That turned into a 5 minute laughing fit from the both of us

J- I dare you to keep that on the whole car ride.

H- fine, if you insist. But If you are forcing me to wear this amazingly bejeweled crown we have to listen to bejeweled on repeat the whole drive.

J- yes your majesty.

We both got into the car laughing

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